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  1. Tim D

    Recording into garage band?????

    Whats up everybody? I used to record my MPC into PC through the mic jack, yea i know it suks but w/e. Now i just got a Mac and want to do the same thing through garage band, How ddo i go about doing this?? I would love feedback because im dying to make a beat Good Lookin
  2. Tim D

    MIDI From Motif to MPC200XL

    Hey quick question, I searched the forums but came up with jack shit, I just hooked up a motif to the mpc with MIDI cables and I;m lookin for the sounds to come out from the MPC at the main screen so I can record right through without having to fuck with the sample screen, I hear I have to...
  3. Tim D

    Roland XP 80

    where at? edit. n/m yo i found some i think ima go with the motif, thing is a fuckin monster and for only a few hundred more it defintly worth it good lookin ya'll Tim D
  4. Tim D

    Roland XP 80

    Whats good yall? Havnt been on hear for a minute, but anyways Anyone got a Roland XP 80 or got any opinions on em? Theres one down the street from me for 700 used, just looking for some views on it before i spend the money Hope all ya'll been good Peace Tim D
  5. Tim D

    Biggie Duets Album

    yea i just heard this the other day, shit is real crazy, beat is insane
  6. Tim D

    Wu-Tang Meets The Indie Culture

    Albums hot, id suggest coppin it
  7. Tim D

    MPC 2500 video

    wow that shit is insane
  8. Tim D

    WU TANG news

    hell yea, sounds like some good shit
  9. Tim D

    figure out BPM in seconds. New DOPE program!! FREE!!!

    this shit is perfect, good looks Classic
  10. Tim D

    The World Will End In October

    I think thats bullshit, they didnt give Little Brother 5 last month because they gave out too many 5 mics this year or some bullshit, and then they go give little Kim a classic?? I havnt heard anything good on this album. and for 5 mics pretty much every track gotta be fuckin crazy
  11. Tim D

    Az - Awol

    Whats good fam? Anyone hear AZ AWOL yet??? It leaked the other day, im gonna go buy it but I couldnt wait. And this album is fuckin amazing, the beats are insane, AZ kills every beat, Anyone else hear it yet???? Peace, Tim D
  12. Tim D

    historic shit.....8ball MJG & three 6 mafia

    Yea little Jon is looking insane with no fuckin glasses
  13. Tim D

    historic shit.....8ball MJG & three 6 mafia

    song is insane, and video is hot too
  14. Tim D

    Kanye just leaked, for those who heard it, what ya think?

    Ok first off Yayo's album sucks Next, Kanye's album is fuckin sick. The beats are sick i like em, theres no like hardcore jam out beat, but theres not 1 bad song on the album i dont think. I like this album a lot, its differnt than anything in awhile
  15. Tim D

    Had anyone heard the new Az featuring Ghostface and Raekwon?....

    you sure its the real thing????
  16. Tim D

    Had anyone heard the new Az featuring Ghostface and Raekwon?....

    track is fuckin gutter, and AZ's album will be amazing, everything iv'e heard so far is sick
  17. Tim D

    Jay-Z & Nas to unite???

    Nas has said a few times he would do it in interviews
  18. Tim D

    A man beats super mario 64 in 20 minutes

    ^^^ yea i saw mario 3 one, but it showed the guy doin it, hes ridiculous
  19. Tim D

    Requiem For A Dream

    yea this movie is the shit, Spun is kinda like it but sort of less dark
  20. Tim D

    Back from hiatus.

    wow good too see you back