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  1. M!nd_Ctrl

    Sales does not = good artist

    I think "good artist" is a very loose term that can be applied to many situations. Some people on this site are HOT, but they just aren't making any paper yet. They are good artists. On the other hand, an artist that goes platinum, who might be cheesy or fabricated can also be a good artist...
  2. M!nd_Ctrl

    Lil Jon Uses The Same Drumz Al The Time!!!!!!!!!

    Word. I like Lil' Jon's sounds actually. As far as talent...he produces hits right now, so I think that explains itself. I don't think the repetiveness is bad. I think it's actually good to develop one's own style using a small amount of sounds. I bet he does so well BECAUSE the sounds...
  3. M!nd_Ctrl

    The Fine Art of Sampling Contests

    Sorry, here's the link:
  4. M!nd_Ctrl

    The Fine Art of Sampling Contests

    Just wondering if ya know about these contests. They end in Feb. so download those samples fast. Good Luck. Ctrl *edit-Here's the link:
  5. M!nd_Ctrl

    How Old Are You People?

    Just turned 26 and loving every minute of it. I been working for years, but I can finally afford to buy the gear I need to make beats.
  6. M!nd_Ctrl

    JAZ drive SCSI or a ZIP for my MPC2000??

    I don't know if the option is out yet, but what about a memory card reader? Ctrl
  7. M!nd_Ctrl

    FTP software????

    CuteFTP is pretty easy to use. Ctrl
  8. M!nd_Ctrl

    PSA: Safe Sex Warning From Cold Truth

    Yo, that took some balls! Anyways, thanks for the info, I'm sure a lot of peeps on this site will learn from your misfortune, so I'm really glad you told your story. Most peeps don't get tested until symptoms appear so just imagine how many people are out there saying they are clean, but in...
  9. M!nd_Ctrl

    I can't believe this shit!!!!!

    Nice Wow that was pretty good. I'm impressed. Reminds me of a pic I saw morphing an image of Bush with Hitler both of the holding their arm straight out in Nazi fashion. I watched a show on Hitler's speech style and they were analyzing the number of vibrations in his voice compared to...
  10. M!nd_Ctrl

    I can't believe this shit!!!!!

    Let me start by saying that I didn't and would never have voted for him...but he definitely has panache. In a way, I do think that he deserves "Man of the Year". His presidency has definitely come with a lot of low points, but he keeps truckin'. His strongest point is his speaking ability...
  11. M!nd_Ctrl

    Sampletank 2

    Try lowering the polyphony. I Hope that helps.
  12. M!nd_Ctrl

    Finally, a "positive" story about racism. priceless.

    That's pretty uplifting. Hopefully, more peeps will act like that from now on. Racists will eventually be a minority, this just shows that businesses are acting accordingly. I believe that nasty white lady expected to be catered to. Haha!
  13. M!nd_Ctrl

    Ey Yo... I Know This Dates Me.. But....

    I do remember my sis' playing with those. They were everywhere and had countless designs. Flipping that shit wasn't too easy when I tried, but kids were experts. Ctrl
  14. M!nd_Ctrl

    creating websites

    On a budget, you could use Netscape Composer to build a page. has some decent hosting options. Good luck. Ctrl
  15. M!nd_Ctrl

    1 year beatmakin!!!!!!

    Yo Class, It's only been a year? You drop some hot shit for only making beats in that short amount of time. Congrats. Ctrl
  16. M!nd_Ctrl

    odb possible cause of death found,roc a fella sold to def jam

    I said I'm done, but I had to come back to clarify. Okay, you believe what you want to. He may have swallowed it. I just don't have to believe it. I WASN'T THERE! Go on, believe everything you hear. I don't have the answers, but I'd rather learn more before I make up my mind. I may be...
  17. M!nd_Ctrl

    Ableton Live 4

    Making the Switch I've been a loyal FL user since the days of 3.5 (just messing around then). In recent months I became more serious as I explored FL Studio 4. I even dabbled in Acid. But, recently I've just felt a bit restricted by these programs. I think they're great programs and people...
  18. M!nd_Ctrl

    odb possible cause of death found,roc a fella sold to def jam

    So the man was an addict, I don't care. Was ODB physically hurting anyone else besides himself when he was using, no. Dude, got thrown in jail for crack (which is Coke mixed with baking soda/other shit). A middle class white man possessing (the same weight in)pure powder coke would receive a...
  19. M!nd_Ctrl

    odb possible cause of death found,roc a fella sold to def jam

    I respect your opinion Mike, but my education has shown me to always question everything. On a related note, I don't trust the government, I don't trust cops, I don't trust the media. Yeah, he was a drug addict, but I'm not gonna hold that against him. It's perfect for some crooked...
  20. M!nd_Ctrl

    odb possible cause of death found,roc a fella sold to def jam

    I don't believe that shit for one minute. Just more people trying to make Hip Hop look dirty. Also, Roc ain't that solid anymore. I heard a few months back that Def Jam only offered like 4 Million. And, I hope "S. Carter" releases an album...on Aftermath. Ctrl