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    Week of June 26, 2006

    Another flip. This week i am posting a philip bailey sample, have fun and remember to review other peoples flips. Also i am considering switching these flips to like every month just because there isnt that many people still doing them, let me know, thanks........ Title: "Philip Bailey"...

    "The Big BUST"

    dude my boy called me and was talking up the CD saying it was so fucking tight, and he basically likes the same shit as me, so i was like i guess it has to be good, so i went out and bought it, and i seriously listened to like 1 min of every track and threw it in the back of my car! CD was...

    Week of June 19, 2005

    Another sample flippage! Posting another old jazz sample this week. If you post a beat remember to review others tracks as well. THANKS Title: "Ill Sample"

    top 3 mc's u would like to have on your beats

    buckshot, smif n wessun, mos def

    Week of June 12, 2006

    aight i did a quick flip to the sample, i had some extra time this week so here it is, its called "Words At Your Dome"

    Week of June 12, 2006

    reviews....................... spanish: long intro, but i love the sample so, that is a good thing, very nice, i love the drums and your chops are def on point in this joint, have nothing neg to say about it, except it is dope man, keep up the good work open mind: very nice man, i am love...

    Week of June 12, 2006

    Another sample flippage, have fun and remeber to review others tracks, thanks............. Title: The Soul of Hollywood

    Week of June 5, 2006

    no doubt 5th! cant wait to hear it

    MC Such an Such

    i'm sure the dude that sucker punched that guy got shot
  10. GRAFIK

    MC Such an Such

    wow! that is some pussy shit, dude came up and sucker bunched him! but i'm sure that dude will get whats coming to him eventually, u cant do something like that and not expect to get the same!
  11. GRAFIK

    looking to get more into syncing acapellas to my beats

    well all my acapellas that i use come from vinyl and what i will do is take the original beat with the acapella on it and mix it together with the track that i made so it runs smoothly and i will just record the acapella and put it in the right spot over my beat
  12. GRAFIK

    Week of June 5, 2006

    yeah i will do one this week, i havent done one in a while, so when i have some free time i will try to come up with something
  13. GRAFIK

    Week of June 5, 2006

    Alright another sample flippage. This week i am posting an old jazz sample. Have fun and remember to gives reviews if you are posting a flip. The name of the sample is...... Title: JAZZ SAMPLE
  14. GRAFIK

    yo illmuzik 3d production IM

    i'm still trying to connect but getting no luck, i will keep trying hopefully it connects
  15. GRAFIK

    yo illmuzik 3d production IM

    i am at school, i bet this firewall wont let me connect to the server
  16. GRAFIK

    yo illmuzik 3d production IM

    aight word
  17. GRAFIK

    yo illmuzik 3d production IM

    my shit is saying it can not connect to sever right now
  18. GRAFIK

    yo illmuzik 3d production IM

    grafik420, i just downloaded that IMVU thing
  19. GRAFIK

    yo illmuzik 3d production IM

    aight what do i do now, i am signed up
  20. GRAFIK

    yo illmuzik 3d production IM

    damn, i cant get past this one part in the sign up process