Search results

  1. Vossi Beats

    Finished Beat It Up! - Battle #82

    Okay the other 2 werent bad at all, but still nr 1 had to get the vote.. Outstanding craftmanship!!!
  2. Vossi Beats

    Finished Beat It Up! - Battle #82

    Nr 1 had me from the start, not even sure i want to hear the others.... But i guess i must
  3. Vossi Beats

    Beat This! - October 9-10, 2019

    Congrats @Memento Beats :fire::fire::fire: That beat was fucking mental. Not the one i voted for personal, but god dammmn son!!! And again props to all others to, i played through the list many times last night and my head was boppin from start to finish 4 sure!!:cool::cool: btw my name will...
  4. Vossi Beats

    Beat This! - October 9-10, 2019

    :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire:as always. so many different types of beats. One of them stood out to me tho., but i think many of them are potential winners... Good luck to all who entered!
  5. Vossi Beats

    Beat This! - October 9-10, 2019

    Is that why your beat is called Teenage Mutant Ninja Turds???
  6. Vossi Beats

    Finished Beat It Up! - Battle #80

    They were all :fire::fire::fire: but i think nr 2 was unreal, even tho the drums was a bit low on the mix, still that's where my vote went 4 sure!!!
  7. Vossi Beats

    Beat This! - October 9-10, 2019

    This beat was cooked in smoked paprika infused organic free range bacon grease...
  8. Vossi Beats

    Finished Beat It Up! - Battle #79

    Good job on all 3 beats!! Nr 2 just had that little sumthin extra, that put on another level...
  9. Vossi Beats

    Finished Beat It Up! - Battle #77

    Yeah me and Scottie go way back. All the way to when he released a sample pack, and then you better damn believe that i got it no matter the cost bro :up2: Lol I'm sure he was very sad to lose his book... That'll teach him I guess...
  10. Vossi Beats

    Beat This! - September 25-26, 2019

    I'm disappointed I'm not in this one, but sometimes stuff just gets in the way.. But most def looking forward to hearing what y'all brought to the table this time, especially with Mr Brown on the sample, he's one of the reasons there even is something called hip hop, and if you don't know by...
  11. Vossi Beats

    Finished Beat It Up! - Battle #77

    Thank you bruh. Worked hard on that one so appreciate! Think if more people had voted it could have gone both ways(11 votes total isn't enough), but I most def don't feel bad about losing to that one. That one was clean 4 sure.. Nice job @PRD.BY.BACA congrats with the win!!! :up2:
  12. Vossi Beats

    Beat This! - September 25-26, 2019

    Now this is going to be interesting :up2:
  13. Vossi Beats

    Beat This! - September 11-12, 2019

    This battle was of the Richter!!! Congrats @PeakRays with the win! For the next battle I think I'll rob a liquor store, record the sound and sample it into a beat. You know some screams and crying for ambience, or make it backwards, chop it up and make a tune. Maybe bring a flute or guitar and...
  14. Vossi Beats

    Studio Headphones (what kind do you have?)

    That's awesome bro. What'ss the main difference compared to AKG? I've been looking at the DT 770 Pro's, but would you say the 880's are worth the price difference? I badly need a new pair, and want to invest in the best i can get, so right now it's between DT 770 Pro, 880 Pro. 990 Pro and AKG...
  15. Vossi Beats

    Beat This! - September 11-12, 2019

    Yeah for sure and I wish I could but the noise will wake up my daughter and I can't have that after spending an hour getting her to fall asleep. Headphones is my only option I'm afraid, and that's why I need to get the best ones I can afford...
  16. Vossi Beats

    Beat This! - September 11-12, 2019

    Lucky it wasn't anything super important... Sure thing... backup comes first!
  17. Vossi Beats

    Beat This! - September 11-12, 2019

    That makes sense. Sennheiser was also one of the brands i was considering along with AKG and Beyerdynamics. Just heard Beyerdynamics should be the best of the best when it comes to mixing and sound quality, and they're not to expensive from what I've seen online. Yeah i know the feeling. No...
  18. Vossi Beats

    Beat This! - September 11-12, 2019

    What would you do if they broke? Buy the same pair again or invest in a newer model?
  19. Vossi Beats

    Beat This! - September 11-12, 2019

    So a little of topic i guess, but i busted my headphones. Am mixing with regular standard crappy phone headset for this one. Let's see how that goes :confusedphones::help: At least now i get to go buy new ones. Anyone of you using Beyerdynamic DT-770 and are they as good as people say ???
  20. Vossi Beats

    Beat This! - August 28-29, 2019

    Awesome. I can't wait to hear them all :up2::biggrin: