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  1. classic

    A french documentary about beat making !

    ehh its not all its cracked up to be, depends on ur perspective... class....
  2. classic

    the future of hiphop production

    Man this argument is lame... i cant stand when cats try to argue whichs is gonna dominate hip hop. Sampling aint going nowhere, its an art within itself that takes alot of time to master composition aint going nowhere either, whats going to happen is a new generation of producers are...
  3. classic

    A french documentary about beat making !

    The beat and the actual producers seem kinda wierd, but looks interesting.....
  4. classic

    berklee music school

    No disprect but people are too anxious to spend money on classes, certifactions etcc..., U do not need that stuff to become a dope hip hop producer, i gurantee most of the stuff they teach in that class u can find out on ur own pretty easily..... If ur gonna spend 800 invest it wisely in...
  5. classic

    berklee music school

    yall realise u have to PAY BACK financial aid
  6. classic

    me playin piano(video)

    Been playing on and off for 10-12 years, I learned threw private lessons as a kid and band... class..
  7. classic

    How much do they make?

    Nice advice, while music is my passion and dream, im also real, so i got my bachlors and masters degree in Computer Science/MIS, Its my EDUCATION not my music that has allowed me to travel the world, move to NYC buy the equipment i want live how i want pursue my music, be...
  8. classic

    the equipment the Neptunes use

    lol ill give u credit for the suggestion, still dont change the fact im cooler then you LOL
  9. classic

    Anyone enrolled to a recording arts school?

    thing is most of those places want UR money so it aint hard to get in at alll...
  10. classic

    the equipment the Neptunes use

    damn those smash brothers cats are pretty smart.... i wanna be like those negro's when i grown up
  11. classic

    R&B smooth!?!?

    nope define it , im curious, casue i here cats making such a sharp distinction between hip hop & r&b
  12. classic

    R&B smooth!?!?

    what is r&b
  13. classic

    what sup guys im the newest

  14. classic

    The Lonely-est

    welcome to illmuzik, The showcase opens every couple of days in the showcase section, i think the next one opens tommrrow, so u can just post your tracks in their
  15. classic

    adult swim

    normal cats, u can do to their website and submit tracks..
  16. classic

    fl seems kinda limited to me...

  17. classic

    Keyboard Recomendation

    it really depends on ur price range and if ur going for a controller or an actual keyboard wtih sounds
  18. classic


    basically it comes to this, reason, FL, other software sequncers You use your EYES MPC and most other hardware sequncers You use your ears.. Personally i like to use my ears when im making beats but thats just a personal prefrerence
  19. classic

    another beatmakin vid... Germany!!!

    thanks for the vid, but IMO i think its a waste of a good sample, Not to sound haterish but i would kill that sample i dont think he did it justice at all..
  20. classic

    MP and Reson combined

    its a powerful combo, u can use reason as a sound module