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  1. Vince

    De Angelo Critically injured

    cause life's a bitch and then u die.
  2. Vince

    peep my new signature, shits funny to me

    shit, i didn't even know u were a mod.
  3. Vince


    no :P the US legal system is a bit different from the rest of the western world.
  4. Vince

    DMX punched two Germans

    lol, doesn't DMX just scream over records as well?
  5. Vince


    I dunno, I think they interviewed the creator on E! Entertainment tonight, or some dumb show. And suposedly they're pretty easy maintence.
  6. Vince


    haha, did you see the prices? so...uhm no, I don't have one, but I wouldn't say no to one :P
  7. Vince

    FEMALE ROBOT OF THE FUTURE (Kinna scarey) haha, i think that's a step better. because thoose are real at least, not to sure about that "robot".
  8. Vince

    You want BEEF?!?

    haha, that video is pathetic as KurtisRich said.
  9. Vince

    Smith and Wesson

    It's Smif n Wessun actually lol
  10. Vince

    Smith and Wesson

    Coptic got all the bangers on this album(warroirz heart, here i stand, city of goz, pnc boyz) ! and yeah, check out War...produced by sweden's own: Ken Ring!
  11. Vince

    Little Brother - The Minstrel Show

    who cares what thinks. they're status in pop culture is totally played out, plus little brother doesn't even wanna be part of that culture.
  12. Vince

    Little Brother - The Minstrel Show

    They're from North Carolina = Southern
  13. Vince

    will this work

    my firefox keeps crashing because of it
  14. Vince

    Drum Kits

    sample your own drums ffs.
  15. Vince

    Primo meets Christina???? WTF

    Someone give me one good argument on why he SHOULDN'T do it? Besides from "she sucks" "she's pop" cause thoose are shit arguments
  16. Vince

    Interesting Stuff

    So what? Shit doesn't prove anything else than you can't control what happens. Of course a woman like that shouldn't have another child. And I think Question 2 is a bunch of bullocks, you could have written equally as disturbing things about Hitler as they did about Roosevelt and...
  17. Vince

    Primo meets Christina???? WTF haha, that bored guy in the white shirt is the only normal looking person on that photo
  18. Vince

    Primo meets Christina???? WTF

    Cuttin 'Genie in a bottle' was that shit even released on a 12"? :P Christina has done great tracks in the past, so why wouldn't it be dope with Premo on the breaks?
  19. Vince

    Try this!

    haha, yeah, there were rumours that it was Michael Moore's work. So there's been some retaliation, if you do a normal search on 'failure' the second result be Michael Moore's website.
  20. Vince


    haha, am I the only one who goes for vodka drinks and/or beer? Vodka Red Bull is the shiot