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  1. Tim D

    Best Mobb DEep beat??

    Yea, I cant decide whether Quiet Storm or Shook Ones
  2. Tim D

    Happy Hurricane!

    Im in New York, hopefully i get hit with some shit and school gets cancelled but thats doubtfull lol
  3. Tim D

    New Jack With A Warm Hello

    Yo Whattup Cashstill, Im pretty much running the same setup as you. Nothing big really, but suits me. What keybaord u got? Hope to hear ur beats soon. Peace
  4. Tim D

    how old is everyone here?

  5. Tim D

    ESPN Football vs. Madden 2004

    Yea likewise, I was pumped about Madden 2004, I played it for awhile and I hated it, my friends got ESPN, i played that shit, and i like it better
  6. Tim D

    Best Producer Resource I Have Found Yet!

    Good Looks on the website, man
  7. Tim D

    Check out Aftermath Drama in Source Article

    Yea, about the Rakim break up from Aftermath. I was really looking forward to the shit Dre and Rakim were gonna put out together, I was bummed when i saw that he split.
  8. Tim D

    Lets talk about you dudes icons

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^ LOL Fade is crazy
  9. Tim D

    Introducing "Plain"

    welcome me amigo, sounds like a sick set up uve got lol, kicks the shit out of mine lol
  10. Tim D

    MTV Making of the Band 2

    Yea i saw that video, shes in it for like on sec though lol too bad
  11. Tim D

    MTV Making of the Band 2

    Re: lmao... LOL, when he raps its sounds like fuckin Scooby Doo got on the track. Just awful lol
  12. Tim D

    La Hoya vs Mosley II

    Yea, that match was bullshit, La Hoya got royaly fucked
  13. Tim D

    MTV Making of the Band 2

    I dont know how there cd is gonna sell, i dont know if peope are gonna give them any credit as real artists.
  14. Tim D

    Beyonce or J-LO who's ass is phatter

    LOL ^^^^^ @ Holmzini
  15. Tim D

    anyone seen that newlyweds shit on mtv?

    Yea, Ive seen that shit, Yea that bitch is so spoiled lol, she dont even know howw to wash her clothes, pretty pathetic
  16. Tim D

    anyone see the new source with 50?

    LOL nice shit, I dont think anyone will miss it
  17. Tim D

    Has the 45KING made his last hit

    Yea seriously 45King is the shit, hes got tons of sick tracks
  18. Tim D

    cubase cakewalk or pro tools

    For Cakewalk Sonar u can record both regular audio and MIDI?
  19. Tim D

    I need some advice for software

    Like say, I just want to organize all my tracks, like my drum loop from the MPC and then a melody I make on the keyboard. And then like be able to record some mic shit. Like my set up aint anything big lol. Just a MPC 2KXL and a yamaha keyboard lol. Just want to be able to organize my stuff...
  20. Tim D

    anyone see the new source with 50?

    Staright up, The Source = Trash. I used to always look forward to reading the source, now its staright shit. Benzino just tries to throw as many shots at INterscope as he can. Read that new XXL with Nas on the cover. He talks about how XXL and The Source dont even get what hip hop is.