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  • warzone (jan 14-18) signup begins in...
  1. R

    logic 8 vs live ?

    I have Logic and it's unbelievable how much shit comes with it. It's a steeper learning curve but totally worth it. Over all I think you will give yourself a lot more options with Logic.
  2. R

    Any SP 1200 Users here?

    I have mine coming in the mail as I write this. Any words of advice/tips in regards to this Machine would be greatly appreciated. I am also curious as to how you use it in your set up. For me, I plan to sample and chop everything in my MPC 1K then go from there. Check the link below for a...
  3. R

    The only thing I dont like about my mpc..

    Yep...I hate hate that shit too. Unfortunately the MPC 1K can only handle a certain amount of characters. I wonder if the JJ OS fixes this? Luckily for me I realized this before I did a huge transfer like that. My only suggestion would be to relabel them. Try deleting part of the label like...
  4. R

    Favorite strip club you've visited.

    Sue's Rondevu in New Rochelle and If your ever in Puerto Rico definitely go to Frenchy's. Hot ass Chicks with private back rooms. They're gully but fine. i'd say the majority of chicks there are between a 7-9. 1 or 2 might try to get over when they realize your from the states but if you get...
  5. R

    Drunnk niggas post here

    I just spent 6 hours at a local mexican joint that serves a $20 brunch with food and all the frozen margaritas you can drink. We got there @ 1 and didn't leave until 7.
  6. R

    a new SP 1200?

    Not sure how he heard about it but it would be dope to have an SP with a USB and CD Drive. you wanna sell it? Whats wrong with it?
  7. R

    a new SP 1200?

    I heard from someone that EMU is gonna re-release the SP 1200; Anybody hear if this is true?
  8. R

    Bow Wow Is Gangsta!!!

    the whole thing was a joke on lil bitch. him yawning was a part of that.
  9. R

    Bow Wow Is Gangsta!!!

    AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! "big d...handle that"! What a fagot.
  10. R

    Know of any good video editing software?

    Avid Expres For The Pc.
  11. R

    Anyone know of great Record spots in New York

    ^^^^ Yeah Satellite is that old white dude still there? every time I go there I end up spending an hour bullshitting about records...dude knows his shit! -A1 is good -The Music Library (good but over priced IMO)
  12. R

    Calling all Logic users

    I've been using logic for a minute now and all though I haven't gotten the upgrade yet I will say that Logic is nasty. The more you use it the more you will love that shit...I promise you. It's the future.
  13. R

    Football 07/08 Season Thread

    Yo Fade....Lets get an I'll Muzik fantasy league going. lol
  14. R

    Phatttttt Samples!!!!

  15. R

    What is YOUR favorite Donut?

  16. R

    What is YOUR favorite Donut?

    Word? Like what? I listen to that Record all the time and work'n on it ( i have the record he used and he fliped the shit outta that) and Light Works would be my joints
  17. R

    Sample Cds

    Fuck it...if U like it use it.
  18. R

    Digging Wudge-U-Cop-While-Digging-Today?

    The Meters - Struttin David Porter - Victim of A joke Annett Peacock - The Perfect Release King Floyd - Think About it Some Bugged out looking Russian Record that had some Flavor
  19. R

    Week of June 18, 2007

    Ima Get On This Tonight
  20. R

    JJ OS for 2500 link ?

    I Heard It Was "buggy" Though.