Qwerty said:Make 16 lines, when you write, and have 12 to 15 syllables:
Have/ you/ e/ver/ been/ ha/ted/ or/ dis/cri/mi/na/ted/ a/gainst? ( 15 syllables )
I/ have/; I've/ been/ pro/tes/ted/ and/ de/mon/stra/ted/ a/gainst ( 14 syllables )
These are 2 lines of 12 to 15 syllables each, so you have to make 16 of them.
Frictionbeats said:There are 4 beats in a measure( bar ). So count 4 counts over each bar: Boom (1) Bap (2) Boom (3) Bap (4).
You should get 64 counts.
Usually songs are formatted... 8 bars for hook, 16 bars a verse.
R&B usually is 12 bars a verse.
but theyre are no rules....hope that was helpful....I tried, LOL
Peace out!
orpheus said:**** THE RULES.
who says you gotta have a chorus?Qwerty said:the rules are important, cuz you got to spit a verse of 8 -12-16-20-24 bars, or else you won't end at the chorus