A question for all the producers...

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Monster Music
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
i don't actually know what techno is... perhaps if we narrowed it down a bit... personally i think Daft Punk are awesome... they really know what they're doing... Aphex Twin is sick with it... as far as cheesy bleeps go... no thanks... but yeah... narrow it down and don't be so quick to judge...


SP1200 manhandler
ill o.g.
I learned to spin from detroit techno dj's they taught me the ins and outs of mixing. You may not like the music, but those cats can blend ill. They have like 50 eq knobs on their mixers and they use them all. I got started spinning by playing records in the relaxation tent, a hip hop oasis where the ravers that needed to rest could go and breath, blaze, make out or dance if wanted. Well anyway those that say "techno" has no soul have probably not heard all of the variances. Some is like you say without soul, but that is the equivalent to heavy metal electronic music, bleeps and squeals. But check house, particularly coming from chicago, that is real soulful. As many soul singers as kanye west, see the chicago connection. Well any way food for thought.


A hater since the womb!
ill o.g.
Im cool with techno.I dont listen to alot of it.But I usually like it more when there vocals or atleast vocal samples.



Beat Enthusiast
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 100
Techno is kind of cool. I got into when I got my su700 sampler. It had a lot of loops tech producers use. I tried to re-produce a Chemical Brothers joint I heard. It was fun.

DueceMade Ent. said:
To each his/her own. Me personally, I cant stand techno or country...Most others genres are quite ok with me tho....And if u wanna get technical, regarding tha country side - 1st off i really cant stand country or tha culture that it represents IMO, but being that i kno my musical history; I do have to admit if i ever litstened to any dam country, it would have to be some old school country western i guess, and thats even pushing it.lol....Sorry for getting slighty off topic! - But i jus had to thro that out there.


Steez I feel the same way about NEW country music. But I love one classic country artist... Johnny Cash! He is so fuckin' gangsta! "Leave Your Guns At Home" & "FPB" are always in my CD player!


ill o.g.
if no1 listens to techno how come most of the beats on this site sound like it lol


tricky spinz said:
Ok, here's what i think. Before you pass judgment on all techno and say you hate the whole genre and that it's for E popping pricks, check out:

Clubbed to Death by Rob D (Rob Dougan)

Now, i dunno if you'll all agree with me that this qualifies as a techno track. But in my book it does.

It's a pretty sweet song. He has been commissioned to do a lot of tracks for The Matrix. So he knows what he's doing. I would suggest everybody take a listen to this. It might change your mind. or at least give you ONE techno track you'll enjoy. anyway, thought i'd just throw that out there.

Damn, that song is tight. I checked it out. See that's real techno. Now I got a new favorite techno song...thanks.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 6
i listen to hip hop, but ive listened thoroughly to every kind of music, except coutry...that ish is garbage to me...but ive done many techno trax for some money...u know....anyway..


MadManBeats said:
i listen to hip hop, but ive listened thoroughly to every kind of music, except coutry...that ish is garbage to me...but ive done many techno trax for some money...u know....anyway..

Yeah, country sucks. I only like 2 country songs, cuz when i was lil, my step sis had nutin but country on.


i don't mess with techno - at all.

it's strictly hip-hop with a lil' r&b for me

Obsidian Blue

ill o.g.
I'm not a techno fan, but I can't help but admire the way some of these cats come up with special effects. Ah, if only I had enough time to sit down and pick someone's brain so I could come up with my own....

Equality 7-2521

i cant stand the thud thud thud. to repetative for me.

tricky spinz

Dead Man Walkin
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 12
Jehana, i'm glad SOMEBODY checked that shit. it's a great song. and it's not like all the mainstream techno. this is some good shit.

yo Equality, i'm tellin you, check out Clubbed to Death by Rob D. it's not your common techno. this is high quality shit.


tricky spinz said:
Jehana, i'm glad SOMEBODY checked that shit. it's a great song. and it's not like all the mainstream techno. this is some good shit.

yo Equality, i'm tellin you, check out Clubbed to Death by Rob D. it's not your common techno. this is high quality shit.

Hey, you checked out the thread I wrote about Dj Capello? Check it out...it's awesome as helllll!