ill o.g.
trying to debate is it worth having both or should i get rid of mpc 1k for MPK or not buy the MPK at all....please weigh in on this


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
mpk means no sampling from the mp so keep the mpc and add a nice midi keyboard, theres nothing additional on the mpk so keep the pennies. If you didnt have the mpc id say get the mpk unless you are planning on sampling with hardware.


ill o.g.
mpk means no sampling from the mp so keep the mpc and add a nice midi keyboard, theres nothing additional on the mpk so keep the pennies. If you didnt have the mpc id say get the mpk unless you are planning on sampling with hardware.

Woah, thats completely false.

The MPK has one MIDI I/O.
The MPC1K has two MIDI I/O

So, if you wanted to use the MPK on the 1K, you can.
Even if you don't do that, there are plenty of cats that start on the MPC, track out to the DAW in whatever multi-track program, and lay some other stuff down like synths or whatever on the DAW with their keyboard. Besides, there are ALOT of ppl that end up not using their MPCs after they get a midi controller. Tho, I'm not so sure about the shift from 16 pads to 12 pads.


ill o.g.
well the MPK 61 has 16 pads just like the MPC...but where im stuck is even on a sampling level i can do all that if i use reason or flstudio


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
woah thats completly misread lol go read it again

Morf got my point and morf answered his own question lol.

Two midi outs on the setup isnt needed anyway and if it were, you can simply chain them with the mpk on the input of the mpc or straight up via usb...whatever...but connecting an mpk to an mpc just for the sake of controller-use is a bit over the top.

Doc Vigilanti

ill o.g.
I don't know why you would want to get the MPK which is basically like a MPD and a MIDI keyboard had a love child.

If you already have an 1000 then I would just get a MIDI keyboard. Unless you want to software based then I could see getting the MPK, but having an MPC and MPK seems like unnecessary redundancy.

In the end it is all personal preference, and the ultimate decision should be based on what you are trying to accomplish. If you plan to stay in the hardware realm then just get a basic MIDI keyboard, if you plan on going to software then get the MPK and sell the 1000.

I think you need to take your time and figure out what exactly what you trying to accomplish and and go from there. I know we all suffer from gear lust, but you have to step back and think about what you're trying to accomplish. End the end they do two different but similar things, the MPC is a sampler and the MPK is a controller.

For example, MV's compared to MPC's they do the same things just one has more features than the other and one might be easier to work with, but they do both the same things. The MPK is just a MIDI controller, it doesn't sample or anything it just controls. So if you want a MIDI keyboard to you with your MPC then I would just get something like an M-Audio or something.

The main thing is that the gear doesn't make you a better producer or beat-maker the gear are just the tools used. What I would do in your situation is to sit back and asses and figure out what you ultimately want to do and what the end goal is going to be. It will save you a lot of money by figuring out where you want to go and how to get there, some pieces of gear just help with work-flow, then others will hinder your work-flow.

So my suggestion is to just sit back for a little bit figure out what you want to do. I've found that being limited in gear forces you think more creatively and actually makes you better because it forces you to find solutions around the short-coming of the gear you own.

That is my opinion on the matter at least.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
The MPC as a sampler does not hold the same place as it once did. People will run up in this thread and tell you that you get a certain sound when sampling thru and MPC that you can only get from an MPC. That's BULLSHIT! And even if that was true no one mpc is the same. So how there shit sounds won't be how yours sounds. I own a vintage MPC2000 bought in 96....I'm not just blowing bubbles here. NOBODY will be able to HEAR the difference in what you used when the song is complete. If I tell everybody that hears my shit that it was done with my MPC who's the wiser?

Now to the main point. If you want the feel of the MPC with the note repeat, swing and stuff cop an MPD 18 (100 bucks). Sturdy as a mutha, same size pads with note repeat and a few other things that you will LOVE. Midi by way of usb. Unless you're a die hard MPC sample head ditch that bitch, grab that AKAI MPD18 and any descent 49 key or better midi keyboard controller (because eventually as you grow you'll need those keys). You're software based homie....u don't need the MP. They're great to start out with but you'll move either past them or add so many toys around you that they'll almost become insignificant. UNLESS YOU'RE NOT ABOUT GROWING AS A PRODUCER that is.


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
^^^ The mpc as a sampler never had a place out there, its a great sequencer with a budget sampler. Like you said, thats why producers still use the 2kxl, not for sampler per se but sequencing more over. The mpc60 was a great sampler at the time, mpc3k even better, mpc2k/xl for the masses lol mpc4k for best engine period and 960ppq sequening (mpc2kxl + z engine = love). Come to think of it, make that producers/musicians because of the sequencer and intuitive interface.

imo, get a nice midi controller 61keys and up, weighted and some knobs or sliders if you even need that.