am i the only muffucca that likes kanye

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gram green

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
yo i was reading the post bout slept on producers and read another several posts on kanye needing to put the mic down..... am i the only one on here that likes this cats rhymes?.... seriously... he got some originality.... IMO.... im not saying he's rakim or something but he is far from wack and the 30 or so tracks you can find on the internet that werent on his album are DOPE .... some of the dopest underground shit you can get.... IMO..... he just put together the most commercial tracks possible for his album which you can argue either way... but shit.... i think he is definately not wack... and i would go as far to say pretty good at rhyming..... does anyone smell me?

Equality 7-2521

i reckon kanye west is good........and terribly overrated.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
Nah man i think Kanye is good, hes def a dope beatmaker, i jus dont think that he should rap, and in my opinion hes too overrated for what he brings to hiphop...Ive already heard and seen what he can do before, its nothing mind blowin in that respect.


Beat Architects !
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 49
hes ok, i dont like his simple rhymes

like on that common song 'the food' in the hook hes like ' i did what i had to did' - WTFFFF thats gay

but on some tracks, i think hes dope, like on slum village - selfish, that verse is ill as fuck

i duno, but hes mad overrated as a rapper, his beats are hot though

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
Ya know what,,,I like him. I really do. His tracks are hot and his rhyme skills arent that bad. Besides, he's nicer then half the cats in the mainstream anyways. The album is a cool one. I like he wants to bring that early 90's feel back to Hip Hop,,,and thats a good thing!
ill o.g.
I think he can write soem pretty good rhymes. Like good enough to put out an album. But his voice just bothers me. He sounds like a little kid whinin about somethin when he's spittin.

Ash Holmz

The Bed-Stuy Fly Guy
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 207
kanye=dope producer and emcee ... there nothing wrong with simple ryhmes as long as the words are felt .. i cant stand rappers who talk all this abstract jibberjabbsih talking bout there dropping knowlegde an shit an they aint sayin shit.. fuc that.. i like kanye he keeps the message str8 and to the point.. the master of the obvious... and his beats are candy


SP1200 manhandler
ill o.g.
K west is not the greatest producer or emcee currently, but perhaps the best combo of the two. He would have less haters if the media was not so Kanye saturated right now.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
I agree wit holmz.... I hate when cats spit "knowlegede" and you can't even understand what the fuck they mean by it... I listen to music i can relate to... And that's what kanye makes music for, to relate to people rather than just talk about what people want to hear... In my opinion also i believe simple rhymes are harder to do than all that big word shit... But, if you can spit it right (Big Pun, Canibus) than it's cool, otherwise lay the fuck off....

gram green

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
aight ... sorry fade i aint been on illmuzik for a couple months... i was just wonderin if everyone was on some nerd rhyme shit... i just like shit that sounds good and am too old to automatically hate on shit thats popular... although he is probably the only shit that is that "mainstream" that i like... and formant... when i said underground i just mean not popular, not on the radio... like i been havin seriously like a shitload of tracks for at least a year before the album dropped... so if i cant find it anywheres except the internet i might be inclined to call it underground... anyways.... dude who said "like on that common song 'the food' in the hook hes like ' i did what i had to did' - WTFFFF thats gay" are you fuckin shitting me... hahahaha ... come on ... that song is dope as fuck... your nuts... im with holmzini .. i cant stand all the nerd rappin big words and too many words a bar type shit... and with the sorry ass state of mainstream shit im happy as fuck to see kanye being so large... i agree he's over saturated, but like i said that is never a reason to sleep... if you aint heard all his shit that aint never come out you should check for it


Monster Music
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
DueceMade Ent. said:
Nah man i think Kanye is good, hes def a dope beatmaker, i jus dont think that he should rap, and in my opinion hes too overrated for what he brings to hiphop...



Kanye West is the TRUTH!!!

which other mainstream artist displays as much honesty, creativity and dopeness in his music?

"The College Dropout" = classic album and best album of 2004

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25

i purposely avoided this thread... i resisted the urge to click on it... but after two pages... i had to.

its the 1,223,455,566,086,585,0987th F#$%in thread we have had about kanye this year.

i should have just closed it the second i saw it. it has nothing new or productive to offer. its either, you like him or dislike him. thats it. THATS IT. we have pages and pages of "i love kanye hes the best" or "good but overated" or "i cant stand him"... and thats it. everything that has been said about the subject can be summed up in one of those three statements. there is nothing new to say about him. does anyone have an opinion on this that hasnt been shared, argued, debated, COUNTLESS times? its everywhere on the internet. go to any site and you'll fuiind a dozen open threads, easily.

on that note, i'd love to close this but i'll let fade decide when that should happen since he already posted about this himself.
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