Attack of the Beats! - Battle #118

  • warzone (jan 14-18) signup begins in...


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
These were good but Matt-D's was the one for sure. Sometimes the beats are okay, but I also look at it as maybe they're sending in beats to find out how to fix them rather than trying to win a contest.

Sole Element

Battle Points: 1
@Fade thanks for the feedback, I see what you mean on how the beat should have something else to help build it, but over the years I have gotten afraid of overcrowding my beats. I tend to get carried away sometimes and people used to always say I had too much going on in my beats so I tend to shy away from adding over a certain number of sounds. This has always been my weakness lol. Shout out to everyone who participated dope stuff.


Absolute Mobster Lobster
Battle Points: 873
I actually liked @Simon Sillz beat the best... I thought the synth sounds were really good. Definitely nodding my head when this came on.
@Matt-D beat was good too, but for me it seemed like the main synth was lacking something to give it a more atmospheric vibe... Just what I hear tho