Beat This! - May 11-12, 2016

  • warzone (jan 14-18) signup begins in...
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ill o.g.
Battle Points: 373
Signups still open? That's a shame. It was a difficult challenge but I thought members here would appreciate it. There's a reason why a no themed competition fills up in minutes(?), people only wanna post their shit like it's a glorified showcase thread. IMO
@Fade you should have more themed competitions. we didn't have any with acapellas in a while, just a thought...


Battle Points: 206
Signups still open? That's a shame. It was a difficult challenge but I thought members here would appreciate it. There's a reason why a no themed competition fills up in minutes(?), people only wanna post their shit like it's a glorified showcase thread. IMO
@Fade you should have more themed competitions. we didn't have any with acapellas in a while, just a thought...

I think it should be the case for every beat this comp. Let the no themed battle be warzone.

Anyway, does this mean the comp is cancelled or postponed?

Found a few errors on my entry that i want to work on.


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
Results! Props to all those that entered and to the judges for taking the time to vote

I think Cherish's beat was definitely at the top on this one. I know it was a tough theme since the drum break has no hats or other type of percussion in it but that's the challenge of it.

Mike Free Music

Mike Free Music
Battle Points: 104
The toughness of it all is what what made this it great. You have no choice but to be creative to make something nice with only certian elements.


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
I find it's much simpler to not have themes but I know themes make it more interesting. Someone just mentioned an acapella. That's always tough.

What would you guys like to have for the next theme?
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