best beat making video ever

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Guess Who's Back
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 9

his name is 20syl...

Description: "Great video from french producer 20syl (MPC/Rhodes/Kalimba/etc.)."


ill o.g.
kalimba? i've been wonder how to make that sound. that was on "once upon a time" by slum village. it was ill. illmind used it too. im gonna do a vst search for it. anyone got one?

J Rilla

Tha Fresh Prince of L.A.
ill o.g.
That video was nice...his dedication to pullin out instruments and adding elements that most cats wont even hear is want i respected the most...this also reminds me i need to get my dad for his rhodes.....


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 55
yea the video is nice the guy has a lot of talent and its nice to see him playing all the instruments even small shit like the fuckin triangle people do't think to add live stuff like that even tho its real simple !

Opera Populare

Graduate Of The Game
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
great no otha words for it i want a band now cuz i kno i cant play the shit. The way i'm hearin that sample clearenceis comin to cost too much money this is a perfect way to cut costs. Knowin me i would still make my beats and then have a band come in and replay the whole thing so i juss gotta pay the publishin not the clearence


ill o.g.
Class....Thanks man......that is the best I've seen so far! thats what I call puttin in work,

If yall have seen a better one post that shit....Enlighten us!



ill o.g.
THat shit was hot! he gave me a lot of ideas. Time to break my giutar out now...

I think the sickest part of it was the J Dilla hi hat pattern. That just set it off. That bassline was hot tho.

What was that a Neumann TLM-103? I wonder what preamp he used?