Building Your Own Samples

  • warzone (jan 14-18) signup begins in...


ill o.g.
I think making your own kits would be the best way to go if you have the time. Most of us probably dont have the time or expertise to make "bangin kits on out own"..ive done a few...very time consuming though. If you can do it though i say go for it..makes your sound more "your sound"


Monster Music
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
word... could start up one of those sites that gives away kits...


ill o.g.
If you feel like its killing our time for making new beats then:

1) just make a bunch of songs and if your going to use them on an album or you're going to sell them then go back and do all the EQing crap

2) or when you want to take a break from creating new music... use that time to do your tech. crap