Classe Crua X Engana


So this project is something I made for a monthly beat battle. The samples were provided and there was an assignment on how to use them.
I want to learn more about how to properly mix acapellas on instrumentals so added one from Classe Crua (Portuguese), found it online and think it goes well with the instrumental...
I used some of their own tracks as reference to kind of keep it close to their normal "sound".
Hope you like it and please feel free to leave feedback!

(Any documentation on how to mix acapellas or tips are always welcome)

beat is dope af. Vocals are slightly on the low side, but only slightly. I have found over the years that beatmakers tend to bias towards the instrumental, leaving the vocal a little back in the mix. I can hear the words clearly, but would personally just bring them a little more up front.
Compression on a vocal with a slower attack to let the transients through(important for us to hear and make out the words), fast to mid release can get some control over a varying level vocal, I like to use waves MV2 (Max Volume 2) on vocals, I used vocal rider for a while. Side chaining the vocal to a clashing channel can also help solve the clashing, same principle as side chaining bass but the frequency range is different. Then there is the usual reverb and delays and other effects, like filtering to sound like a telephone speaker, phasing, flanging, chorus etc.
I always cut off the low end, the frequency I cut is dependent on the vocalist and the recording, but in the ballpark of around 100hz-200hz. Might even be a little higher with a female vocalist.


Hell yeah that sample intro is fucking dope! Smooth as fuck. Acappela fits great with the beat. Sounded spot on in my ears playing loud but after reading @2GooD Productions comment on vocals low, I turned down the volume and yeah agree could do with just a slight tweak.
Real nice work man.
Thanks man, I appreciate your feedback!

You guys are right about the vocal, I slightly colored them to fit the beat. Think I have to readjust it...

@2GooD Productions , that's some good info! Sometimes I feel like the frequencies of the vocals clash with the beat. Had to cut a lot of high mids from the instrumental itself to fit this one. A slower attack on the vocal compression sounds very logical, definitely going to experiment with that...


Excellent work man. Mix is pretty clean, and all the elements seem in place. I really like the usage of delay here. Nice work!


Battle Points: 80
@TWU , It's a nice coincidence , tonight went out for a drink and met a couple one French guy and one Brazilian girl and they are into hip hop and she does rap in Portuguese .. lol

regarding this track I like the vibes , make my head bang . The mix is nice to me . Keep up bringing those nice tunes
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Battle Points: 21
My man. This beat is brilliant.

Great feedback from @2GooD Productions , as always.

The thing is when mixing an acapella is that they are all different. Literally in every possible way. The voice, the mic, the quality. I'd say this acapella wasn't the cleanest to start with?

What effects do you currently use on your acapellas? Is it the same every time but with tweaking? For a one off song you can get away with any mix that just sounds good to the ear.

I would say the trickiest part of an acapella is the timing. I'd say you have to chop just about every acapella to make it fit a new beat. Regardless of bpm matching. Unless it's an MC who flows impeccably to a 4/4 rhythm then you'll have parts where it drops off. This acapella in particular is quite strange. His breathing is very prominent and it's probably because his flow is quite staggered and slow. He almost stops in between lines. So for me this would require a considerable amount of chopping.