Computer Sequencer Question


ill o.g.
This is probably going to sound like a stupid question. Would a sequencer like Cubase be the same as say the sequencer on the MPC or ASR 10? What I mean is, say you have a keyboard hooked up to the Akai S-950. Got your drums sampled in. Now you want to make a simple 4 or 8 Bar drum loop or whatever. Would you be able to do that with the sampler hooked up to Cubase? Or would you have to play along with the metronome in Cubase for the entire length of the song you are doing.


ill o.g.
Hell yeah you can do that. You can do any length of bar loops and repeat as many times you want. I personally prefer computer sequencers because of versatility and better visuals when you are working. A lot easier to edit smaller parts too. I definately suggest getting cubase sx or the lower version sl.

Hope this helped,
Big Beats