Did I mention I hate windows?

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A backwards poet writes inverse.
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
Nothing is impenetrable but Macs are built on a much more secure platform and way more difficult to do damage to. Also the OS is isolated from the user accounts so worst case a virus could screw up a user account but none of this not booting because of virus's crap. I have loaded Ubuntu Linux on my "office" laptop Photoshop and Dreamweaver work, as does Chrome. I am good to go.


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
I hear ya. I have Windows with Ubuntu dual booting. I still have to keep Windows for a few things but I'm trying to get rid of it altogether and stick with Linux!


IllMuzik Mortician
ill o.g.
I love my Windows, I haven't had a virus in years!

I tried to like Ubuntu, but I doubt I'll return to Linux, I had far more problems with it than Windows. As for Mac, to each their own, if it makes you happy, then I'm all for it!


ill o.g.
Nothing is impenetrable but Macs are built on a much more secure platform and way more difficult to do damage to. Also the OS is isolated from the user accounts so worst case a virus could screw up a user account but none of this not booting because of virus's crap. I have loaded Ubuntu Linux on my "office" laptop Photoshop and Dreamweaver work, as does Chrome. I am good to go.

Very true the file hierarchy that unix the source code OSX is built on separates core system files, user accounts, and application files totally separate from each other on different plains in the db structure unlike dos/windows. The whole when Macs are popular they will get viruses too is a big misconception that pc users tell themselves so they can sleep at night. Do the research lol. Not saying that a Mac or Linux box can’t get a virus but from a code writers stand point it won’t make any sense too. A virus written for Mac will attach itself to one file or application corrupt or exploit it and wont be able to go or do damage anywhere else and the virus will just try to fall uphill if you can picture that. All you have to do is pop in your restore disk and in 30secs you good son lol.

Da IllFellaz

Knee Deep In Da Beats
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 125
but think of how many pc's compared to macs there are out there in this world. in my office alone, there are pcs at EVERY DESK, not one mac in the building. and we are a nationwide company with over 180 locations. all pc.... no macs.....


IllMuzik Mortician
ill o.g.
We can all argue about how good macs and pc's are, but in the end of the day, as long as it gets the job done then I'm happy. I've used macs, pc's, older systems like OS/2 and other alternative OS's, but in the end of the day, I feel most comfortable with Windows, regardless if it has vulnerabilities. The simple fact is, that if someone wants to hack into someone's computer, they will, regardless if you use a pc, mac or linux. It's all about reverse engineering and exploiting vulnerabilities, which exist in all OS's. Market share has a big role in this, but I won't argue that Window's isn't poorly designed in many areas. Hacker's have proven that Mac's are easily exploitable, for example, maybe some people remember:


For servers, Linux servers are arguably the best, and I fully agree. In terms of just regular usability however, I'm a video game nerd, and the MAC has little to offer other than productivity software, which I rarely use. So I will swim in my Windows Malware and evil Spyware and enjoy it, much like Scrooge McDuck!


IllMuzik Mortician
ill o.g.
That's it man ! When you find the right tool, use it. If the cap fits, wear it!


ill o.g.
damn thread had me fearing we'd have to whip out the "fanboy beating stick"
hahaha. In the tech world if it works it works.
Even as a private consultant for 12 years i still put a linux box in as a router for business networks.. makes good firewall/proxy/web server at the same time.
but as far as application support, windows got the ball, i usually only run windows on my macbook...

but seriously, the #1 thing i dont like about mac is that anyone could get root access at any time, through the current OS installation... all they need is 2 seconds of physical access to your computer


ill o.g.
yeah thats easy to do, but what im saying is that with a mac OS, the tools needed are built right into the boot process.


ill o.g.
damn thread had me fearing we'd have to whip out the "fanboy beating stick"
hahaha. In the tech world if it works it works.
Even as a private consultant for 12 years i still put a linux box in as a router for business networks.. makes good firewall/proxy/web server at the same time.
but as far as application support, windows got the ball, i usually only run windows on my macbook...

but seriously, the #1 thing i dont like about mac is that anyone could get root access at any time, through the current OS installation... all they need is 2 seconds of physical access to your computer

Dont forget that Windows has the same venerability. Most standard user accounts are by default in the administrator (ie root) group. Sure.... you can go to the xterminal and sudo apt on a mac/unix/linux box but, I just have to log into your regular windows machine account and boom!! god rights lol. When it all comes down to it to be secure you have to practice good local and client/server based GPO or house keeping as we call it in my career. OSX is world more secure that the current win32 architecture will ever be.