Craig Gantt
Microphone Violator
ill o.g.
I was just settin here listenin to that R U Still down cd and I was thinkin and started reminiscen on this girl I used to know so I was thinkin I could make a thread about relationship war stories I know we all got them so whats been up with yall? Heres mine(warning its long):
I knew this girl for like a month she used to talk to this dude I used to play ball with and they had been broken up on and off for like months. She went to my High School I was a Senior and she was a sophmore (my first mistake) of course everyone told me I shouldnt be talkin to her because she had a rep of being a slut (shouldve listened) but god damn she was fine, about 5'4 light skinned deep brown eyes good hair tha gurl looked like a model (and she was too!). So anyway we was jus cool at first but ended up hookin up like after a week of us knowing eachother. This started controversy all over Houston, but neither of us really cared it turned into a "us against the world" type of thing. Her people were Tinidian so her mom was old school she usually hate thugs but she loved me. I remember the first time we made love was on my 18th birthday, I dont mean to sound corny when I say "made love" but thats what it was you "fuck" a chick that you really dont care about but you "make love" to someone you have feelings for and intend to be with for a while. She had gotten me into all this modeling shit with her modeling agency and I had a show and a photo shoot (imagine that) there were so many good times before the storm. I remember this one time when we got into a fight and were jus sittin in my dads pathfinder and we had jus gotten into an argument so we were jus sittin there (neither one of us wanted to be mad at the other) and she turned to me and said "lets go to the beach" so we drove to Freeport. When we got there we were having alot of fun on the beach but she wanted to go jump off the peir into the gulf (kids) I didnt let her but agreed to swim under the peir with her. When got over there I was ahead of her and she started screaming "Oh my god somethin jus bit me!" then the water receeded to show that we were in the middle of a maze of these big ass sharp rocks. Now the waves were coming high (I couldnt stand up straight and shes so short) so I carefully picked her up and wlked back to shore (causing me to slice my leg up pretty bad but I didnt even register that until she was ok) I ran back to get the truck and when I pulled up this lady was out there and she was trying to put all this cream and bandages on her but I was feeling like I didnt want anyone to touch her so I took it from the lady and did it myself (see I saved her life imagine that me somebodie's hero
) after that she said she wanted to wash the salt out of her leg so i stopped at this Ramada Inn and was like "My fiancee just cut her leg at the beach blah blah blah" u cant rent those rooms by the hour so I agreed to pay for the entire night. so Im in the room and she's in the shower and she calls me into the bathroom so I went by the bathroom door and she snatched me inside (the most meaningful time we had ever made love). On the way back we got lost but it was all good I couldnt think of another place I wanted to be. Since this is gettin long and I could go on for hours about this we ended up breakin up because I found out she was fuckin around with my uncle (Jerry Springer shit right). But I tell you what she is the only girl that I can truly say I loved, alot people use the word love but sometimes dont really know the meaning its like the difference between rap and hip-hop, life's funny........stupid memories funny thing is good memories of her are easy to think of but bad times are becoming harder and harder to remember, this'll prolly sound real stupid...but I miss her. Ok thats enough of me yall turn.
I knew this girl for like a month she used to talk to this dude I used to play ball with and they had been broken up on and off for like months. She went to my High School I was a Senior and she was a sophmore (my first mistake) of course everyone told me I shouldnt be talkin to her because she had a rep of being a slut (shouldve listened) but god damn she was fine, about 5'4 light skinned deep brown eyes good hair tha gurl looked like a model (and she was too!). So anyway we was jus cool at first but ended up hookin up like after a week of us knowing eachother. This started controversy all over Houston, but neither of us really cared it turned into a "us against the world" type of thing. Her people were Tinidian so her mom was old school she usually hate thugs but she loved me. I remember the first time we made love was on my 18th birthday, I dont mean to sound corny when I say "made love" but thats what it was you "fuck" a chick that you really dont care about but you "make love" to someone you have feelings for and intend to be with for a while. She had gotten me into all this modeling shit with her modeling agency and I had a show and a photo shoot (imagine that) there were so many good times before the storm. I remember this one time when we got into a fight and were jus sittin in my dads pathfinder and we had jus gotten into an argument so we were jus sittin there (neither one of us wanted to be mad at the other) and she turned to me and said "lets go to the beach" so we drove to Freeport. When we got there we were having alot of fun on the beach but she wanted to go jump off the peir into the gulf (kids) I didnt let her but agreed to swim under the peir with her. When got over there I was ahead of her and she started screaming "Oh my god somethin jus bit me!" then the water receeded to show that we were in the middle of a maze of these big ass sharp rocks. Now the waves were coming high (I couldnt stand up straight and shes so short) so I carefully picked her up and wlked back to shore (causing me to slice my leg up pretty bad but I didnt even register that until she was ok) I ran back to get the truck and when I pulled up this lady was out there and she was trying to put all this cream and bandages on her but I was feeling like I didnt want anyone to touch her so I took it from the lady and did it myself (see I saved her life imagine that me somebodie's hero