Do you believe in mentors?

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Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
having a mentor is damn near essential .. not from a beat making standpoint but from a business perspective. Someone thats been there and can tell u certain things. but i never had a mentor with beat making but i have a mentor who is also my manager of sorts. I owe alot to him cuz id be assed out if I didnt recieve his guidance on certain things.

Word, Im still lookin for that guy or gal...


Hell yea I need one now lol! There are a few people around here who i'm cool with doing big things making good music. But my pride won't let me ask them for help i'd rather just dig for answers myself. Which is not to hard with numerous music forums and publications that are out there.

Low G

ill o.g.
I would love a mentor right now to help me out with the beats and business end of things. Everything has been on my own so far and it's getting tough. I'm never ashamed of getting help from someone that's better than me infact I feel it's the only way you really can be the best your talent allows.

jawanza malik

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
I have a and my father. See my pops used to play jazz and latin percussion. so i inherited a hella record collection. And music on a whole cuz everything you hear influences you, whether you like it or not. Now I find myself mentorin the artist i deal wit. Most of them can ryhme they ass off wit no beat. but once i say "yo, you ready 2 lay it down" they don't put the rite emphasis on certain parts, use breath control or relax, SO YEA MENTORS ARE A GOOD THING


ill o.g.
Interesting stuff man. Does anyone else have a family member who is/was heavy into music and uses them as a mentor in some sorts?


ill o.g.
i don't really have a mentor either.... i learned somethings on online forums that helped alot, but other than that i did everything myself.....and i'm not even that good

but i agree with ash holmz i don't know anybody that makes beats or likes to make beats as much as i do.... some people i know just do it to fuck around.....and some people think anybody can make a beat....which is true, but not everybody can make a HOT beat....

and as of my fam.... no one in my fam loves music as much as i do.... my grandpa used to love classical music, but he died when i was like 10, and at that age i didn't appreciate music as much as i do now.... so yeah


Ill Muzikoligist
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 4
Definitely agree that when you can help people learn, and get them interested in playing and recording music, it's a good thing.
I had a mentor who gave me a Technics 1200 (my pops bought me the other one). I was on a pioneer and a sansui before that for a couple of years.
I appreciate everyone who ever taught me something, and definitely try to do the same.
That's the way that culture advances and new styles come about...
One footnote, there's one kid in BK, I had showed him how to rock doubles, I had showed him around the MPC/SP, and now he's in the business, works at a label, produces, djs, etc. I went over to his myspace, and he had me as one of his top three influences (after Kenny Dope and DJ Shadow). It really made me feel great and it really goes to show you that there's a definite domino effect / tipping point / vibrations / whatever you want to call it, real cool...


ill o.g.
Yeah I do believe in mentors. They are very useful and they can be useful for cherry picking information from. My current music teacher at the community college I go to is slowly a mentor for me. Also, he's getting information about new hip hop from me, with my DVD's that he wants to show to his other class at another school he teaches at. He's more of a classical musician. The other dude from the other class I went to, he mentored me with basic beat-making. One day I showed some of the books I was using to guide me in piano playing and in the last day of class he told me that I inspired him to learn how to play chords and everything associated with learning how to play the piano.


ill o.g.
I def believe in mentors cuz honestly i wuz 13 when i starting making music and if wuznt for P (Cleverwon) i def wudnt be moving as smoothly and quickly as ive been the last 6 years goin on 7 he tought me the tricks of the trade and i cant forget my jersey niggas Buku and stress ..buku been round sense i started and saw me evolve and even tho stress came later they took part in why i do this good look my niggas

open mind

The title pretty much sums it up. Do you think that it's good to have a veteran producer watch your growth, and help contribute with advice pertaining to music, and life as a producer? I've been "mentoring" a few newly budding producers, and it's incredible to see how they're progressing! I wish I had one lol.

i got an army of mentors muthafucka! ILLMUZIK is da name of da army!

open mind

nobody complains, iam just tellin how it is.

u said: "i wish i had one"

look around here and you get an army of mentors trust me.
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
Guru is the direct telephone with God

My humble opinion is that:

"You must have a guru. Life with no guru is like travelling by train with no ticket"

One Love,


A Beat Nut
ill o.g.
Having a mentor is surely valuable for the growth. Illmuzik is a friendly community and not only this site helped me, but it also gave me the food and support that I needed to starve myself musically. The beat this competitions, the battles, the friends I have made here so far and that I still talk to every once i a while.... But in the real life, I have been blessed enough to learn from so many people around me. As Common says, "You have come so far, you've got so far to go!!" There is soo many things I havent done yet, that I havent experiment musically. As much as it can be a shame, it's also part of my learning process. I have learn from people who hates on me, people who likes me, from afar and closely.

i agree illmuzik is a mentor for me as well we all learn from one anotha from canada to the states to over seas

i give Fade the biggest props for gathering producers across the globe. Across the nation is one thing but the globe is quite anotha

i mean we all be MIA sometimes but we always find our way back home (IllMuzik)


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
I too didnt really have anyone show me the ropes which isnt that bad, it just takes longer without some guidance along the way. I had to learn everything pretty much on my own through trial and error. I would say that having a mentor would definately save money and time but at the same time theres no better lesson than learning on your own.

good post,


Producer Extraordinaire
ill o.g.
LMAO!! yeah to both of you guys , the bigger studios are cool I have a friend who owns one.BUT thats why I bought all my gear, so I never ever had to go back to a big one again unless it was on someone elses dime.I BLEW (like rent $) thousands trying to go to some of these studios that after I left STILL didnt have the sound I was looking for.
Im str8 right now, I could care less if I go to a big one in the near future Id rather spend the money on maybe getting a better mic or improving my own stuff.
It doesnt make any sense, if I go to one now what am I gonna do? Bring a PT session from the house..
But if you havent been go and be dazzled cuz it is cool..But invest in yourself.
(There thats my mentoring for today lol)

I def agree with you, coming from working in a big studio environment. You don't need to record in a big studio for it to sound good. What I do suggest if having a professional engineer mix your records, and that will make all the difference. Record the shit at home, MBox, decent mic. If you give it to a good engineer, they will clean it up and have it sounding nice. I would def suggest spending a few G's on mixing and mastering an album properly, rather than recording in a big studio at $200/hour lol