Does Anybody have Power tools Mastering Reason 2.5?

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ill o.g.
I just ordered it from borders and was just wondering if anybody here has read it or has it and how is it>?


ill o.g.
Is this the book by kurasaki or something? I have it. It's a real nice book gives u detailed info on everything. The examples in there r kinda hard to follow but otherwise it will teach u pretty much everything about reason (except the very basic stuff. it is for advanced cats)


ill o.g.
yea this is the book im talking about yeah i already know the basics so there is no point in buying a beginners book im waiting for it to get here so it should be interesting.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
XpLiCiiT said:
yea this is the book im talking about yeah i already know the basics so there is no point in buying a beginners book im waiting for it to get here so it should be interesting.
Tell me how you like it.. I don't ever try to master in reason. I just don't like the overall sound that comes out of reason. I usally use Adobe Audition for final mixes..

Jewel Avenue OX


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
Im gonna cop that book soon too jus to have some reading material if anything...Tha books not to help u master in reason, its just got a name that sounds like that....Its focus is more on simply being able to utilize everything tha prgm has to offer better..


ill o.g.
this book aint about mastering it is about mastering as in getting better. U can't master in reason anyway. U can mix but not master.


ill o.g.
I wanna cop Reason 2.5 Power. I got Sonar 3 Power from the same series and I'm loving it.


ill o.g.
Power Tools for Reason 2.5: Master the World's Most Popular Virtual Studio Software (Power Tools Series)

by Kurt Kurasaki

sammy beats

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 17
So Xplicit, would you recommend the book to reason users. Is it useful enough and does it give you enough information that you dont already know. Can you give some examples of some things in the book?


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
After recieving mine, i gotta say its still too much for beginners....I know jus about everything in this book already, but oh well - it was cheap. It is a well illustrated book tho and tha diagrams have plenty of detail to explain his routing suggestions....Id say if yer already pretty seasoned in using Reason, then u may want to look elsewhere, tho i can probably utitilze about 15% of tha techy info in this book.
