EQing beats


The Lovable Rogue
ill o.g.
how do yall eq ur beats and what with, cuz i use wavelab and some voxengo plugins. but once i have done it when i look at the track there are loads of bits where the wave has sortof stopped and make a line. ive seen this on other songs but should it be like this.


The Lovable Rogue
ill o.g.
sortof like this


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Mad samplist productions
ill o.g.
you've pumped it up to loud.
the drums are all flat at the top and bottem, their should be a nice peak.
maybe that is the problem.
you don't leave any headroom.
you could try the multiband compressor in wavelab.
for eqing I use the waves eq.


The Lovable Rogue
ill o.g.
Do u EQ the whole track or all the seperate parts in the track?


Mad samplist productions
ill o.g.
it depends.
I use eq on different parts of the track but also on the whole track.
it depends on what the sounds need. I will aply a compressor on every track I do.
sometimes it is just a matter of good mixing, not eq.


The Lovable Rogue
ill o.g.
plus most of my tracks dont have any high frequencies in them, but if i boost them it sounds wack


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Mad samplist productions
ill o.g.
hmmm, strange.
how come your hihats are not in the upper range?
I would try the multiband compressor in wavelab.
that one works great for my songs.
how do you mix your tracks? (wich program do you use)
or tell me how you make your beats.
I make them in fl, than mix them in acid and master them in wavelab.


The Lovable Rogue
ill o.g.
i make them and sequence them in reason and master them in wavelab. here is a screenshot after i tried to master a track, is this how it should look.


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Mad samplist productions
ill o.g.
it looks cool.
maybe you should mix your tracks firts in a multitracker like acid,cubase or something like that.
it can bring more room into the mix.
that way you don't have to blast it all up in reason.
I mix them in acid and put a compressor and limiter on top during mixing and than just alter it a little bit in wavelab (normalizing or eq or both)


The Lovable Rogue
ill o.g.
nice one ill try that later


overdriving is bad....

It's called clipping buddy. Whatever you do you do not want your frequencies to look like that. That's bad news for speakers. All these kats with their digital bullsh!t thinkit's clever to over compress their drums. I used to do it and realized that it was so bad for not only the listener as it fatigues the ears far quicker, but also stereo systems and speakers. You want to allow the listener to turn the volume up....if you max out the volume on your tracks when played at low velocity that doesn't allow much room for the listener to turn the volume up as it will begin to overdrive the speakers, the amp and increase the chances of them needing a hearing aid at the age of 35. Learn to give your beats a few decibels of headroom. I am sick of digital recordings.....anyhow. I record my shit to tapes and then to CD-R so I don't have to worry about hot signals and digital clipping. Hope that helps you consider some other options. You might want to try learning how to use a compressor also. Check your attack and release settings. Also try scanning a professionally recorded cd and see how they have their shit recorded. Analyze the frequencies to see what I mean.



The Lovable Rogue
ill o.g.
Ive looked on loads of other songs and they all have that sortof line thing where everything stops at. and im not really sure how to use the compressor because when i try and use it in wavelab it always sounds really wierd like loud bits then quiet bits, could someone show me how to use them or somethin