Extracting Accapela's?

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Head of Production/Black Label Recording Studio
Battle Points: 122
Good morning everyone. I am trying to figure out a way to extract vocals out of a song to begin a Mash-Up. Any tips or links to ways to make this happen? I use Propellerhead Reason, but ilI have heard that Ableton has this capability.


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
Argh, I keep forgetting the technique used for this. If I remember correctly it's to phase reverse or something. I don't know what Ableton has though.


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
Yeah that's it, the instrumental and the full version. The problem is that they both have to be identical because otherwise it won't work. I tried it a while back but the instrumental was pitched up a bit more than the full version plus the audio quality wasn't good, so my results were terrible.


You get the song and the instrumental. Both have to be the same quality (i.e. 320kbps). Throw them in a DAW or sound editor and line them up so they're both perfect aligned. Then you reverse the polarity of the instrumental, and voila! You'll know you haven't lined them up perfectly if after the last step there is no difference, in which case you'd go back and adjust the alignment of the song and instrumental.

Another tip: In the case that you cannot find an instrumental of the same quality, or not at all, you can use the song it self!

Of course this would only work if there's a point in the song where there are no vocals (for example a song that has an intro, outro, or bridge, 4 - 8 bars, all music, no vocals.) An example off the top of my head would be "HUMBLE" by Kendrick Lamar.
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