Feeling frustrated...


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
I've seen it time and again where the smaller artists, the less popular, websites, brands, etc. get left out. It seems that whenever I see posts or articles it's always about some popular artist or well known website, for example.

I just find there's never really much attention given to the lesser known but that's just counter productive, isn't it? Why give shine to those that already have it? It's the ones that need promotion that should be given it, right?

Just had to vent!

How do you feel about not getting promotion for your music? Because in reality all it takes is someone well known, or a well known website to give you a mention and it could possibly change your whole life.


Big Clit Energy
@Fade I'm guessing that the music industry rewards only those with deep ties and deep pockets and casts aside those who have neither. Plus people seem to only develop an attachment to those who seem to be ubiquitous and ignore what they don't see and/or hear.

Mike Chief

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 41
Agree with you completely sir.

I feel like thats why its so important and critical to focuz on yourself(or your own group) independently. I feel like the true goal would be to get distribution from one of the major labels; you could still stay true to your own craft and not mandated to copy the flavour of the week.

The lesser known do deserve their recognition, but I kinda feel like there is a shift going on in the realm of Hip Hop, and it is at a crucial period of staying true to oneself and doing ones own footwork to push themselves to be heard/known. At the end of the day, real recognize real.