First Beat I'm Posting

Hi, everyone!

I'm new to the community and posting my first beat. I hope you listen and enjoy! Of course, as I am new to this, feedback is welcomed. Thanks in advance!
If you directly paste the url into your post it will embed the player, no need to do it as a link, especially when the beat is uploaded to ill, or youtube or soundcloud and others.

Kane the MOD

Grey haired Boom Bap Rap Dad
Battle Points: 6
Hi, everyone!

I'm new to the community and posting my first beat. I hope you listen and enjoy! Of course, as I am new to this, feedback is welcomed. Thanks in advance!
This is a good first try. The drum rythm is good but the drums sound really weak. I would recommend to use a specific genre drumkit as a starting point plus the instruments you chose do not really work as a hip hop beat. Another tip: keep the beats short unless you show off some crazy switch ups.
I can see you are pretty new but at the same time I can see you understand a lot of concepts with regards to structure, Im assuming this isn't the first beat you have ever made?
The sound selection isnt great, should try and get some better vst's, or using the eq, reverb and delay to get the most out of the sounds you have. Synth brass usually sounds pretty cheesy to me and it does here too.
Just keep doing it and posting what you have made, you will just keep getting better at it.
Thanks for the feedback! Very useful!

Might you be willing to elaborate a bit on what you mean by "weak" because that would be helpful. I used EZ Drummer's Hip-hop expansion pack. Would you recommend something else?

Idk that horns and bells don't work for hip hop, considering the legacy of usage within the genre (e.g., L.L's "Rock the Bells" just to start, the horns on "Let Me Clear My Throat," the trumpet on Red/Meths "Da Rockwilder" or even the horns on J. Cole's "Middle Child," for a few examples). So, would be great to read a bit more on what you mean by this, too.

Very appreciative of your time. Again, thanks for the feedback in the first place!
I can see you are pretty new but at the same time I can see you understand a lot of concepts with regards to structure, Im assuming this isn't the first beat you have ever made?
The sound selection isnt great, should try and get some better vst's, or using the eq, reverb and delay to get the most out of the sounds you have. Synth brass usually sounds pretty cheesy to me and it does here too.
Just keep doing it and posting what you have made, you will just keep getting better at it.
Completely get what you mean by the synth brass. Thanks for the feedback! Super encouraging!


Listen closely... Closer...
Battle Points: 138
Hello there and welcome, I am new too so I will let others more knowledgeable people give you advices and stuff but just wanted to say that your beat sounds ok, not bad at all and to me, every sound is good but it's all the sound together that feels... Weird. Can't quite put the finger on it to be real but the whole thing just sound off a bit. Keep on going tho it will only go better.
Hello there and welcome, I am new too so I will let others more knowledgeable people give you advices and stuff but just wanted to say that your beat sounds ok, not bad at all and to me, every sound is good but it's all the sound together that feels... Weird. Can't quite put the finger on it to be real but the whole thing just sound off a bit. Keep on going tho it will only go better.
Well, if you ever nail down the problem, feel free to share. Thanks for listening!

Ys Man

Battle Points: 21
Well, if you ever nail down the problem, feel free to share. Thanks for listening!
for its the voice sound as its not in key as an effect it would need to be more in the background, like others have said better sounds and also layered sounds would help, things like the horns would be better even just doubling an octave down.

Ys Man

Battle Points: 21
by voice i mean the noise that comes in between 2-3 seconds it could work as fx but not so prominent cause it has tone