Free Instruments and Synth Plugins - My 2020 Favourites - In The Mix


The Real SlimSpaceship
Battle Points: 15
I found the end of the video, the most interesting.
Yeah usin tons of money on expensive plugins and kit or just dling a bunch of free ones wont fix a bad song or beat unfortunatly, it can enhance a good track though! . Think dave grohl (different genre but still applies) said something like this in an interview "a good song will sound good even if you play it on an acoustic guitar" i think thats a really important thing to remember

Iron Keys

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 695
Yeah usin tons of money on expensive plugins and kit or just dling a bunch of free ones wont fix a bad song or beat unfortunatly, it can enhance a good track though! . Think dave grohl (different genre but still applies) said something like this in an interview "a good song will sound good even if you play it on an acoustic guitar" i think thats a really important thing to remember

This is what i said similarly recently. A lot of A&Rs have first hand told me it's all about the song. (As opposed to how glossy your recording is).

Now in a large part this can mostly apply to people actually putting forward a "song" with lyrics etc. But it can also apply to beats in terms of its musicality and overall "feel". (I'd argue if you're making EDM then quality may come more into play - but again there are mix engineers for that.) Even tho a lot of labels are looking to shortcut and sign finished products.

But this idea of "the song"(not necessarily lyric) is also kinda backed up by Timbaland too...

He was a special guest beat battle judge on some thing, and when he was listening his initial choice was one he spotted like "ooh that's a single", so you see that importance of having that musical quality over sound quality.

I think he also said something similar in his masterclass series re when they spot people who they want to work with - they get a lot of glossy polished demos but it'll often be some mashy video they see on YouTube or insta that catches their interest.