Fruity Loops or Reason ?

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ill o.g.
Battle Points: 221
im pretty comfortable in reason. (hold on, aint there been a topic like dis b4..........., dnt matta)
ive tried fruity but i cudnt get nuttin gd out of it. i tink if i stuck on fruity 4 mayb a year i wud have grown in2 it n liked it mo. but ive now been wit reason 4 roun 3-4yrs n its hard 4 me 2 switch. both da programs do da same ting ne way 4 all of us(make beats) so i dnt c why peeps arguin ova dis. like sum1 mention earlier, there mite aswell b sum sorta battle between a fruity loop user n a reason user. i wudnt b botherd wit all dis FruityVsReason, cuz personally i tink both programs can achieve da same ting but differemt roads r taken 2 reach da goal.

im still a reason user n proly will b till i get ma Korg Pa80,hehe, even den i kno ill still b usin reason.



Army Of Darkness
ill o.g.
doenst really matter what you use, when it comes down to it its what you do with it.. but try to learn as much and it isnt a bad thing too try out new things so you can decide what fits you best..


ill o.g.
The truth about reason and fruity loops

Ok. It doesn't matter what software you use if you can make HOt bEATZ then U make hot beats it is not the software it is the producer the software is like a tool. tools by themselves do nothing, but when in the hands of a talented worker things get done.... i have heard hot tracks on both...there enough Said...


Mad samplist productions
ill o.g.
on every forum I look there is a thread like this, what is better fruity loops or reason.
I don't know.
I never used reason but what I read about it is cool.
the only drawback in my book for reason is that you have to do it with what it has to offer and in fruity loops I can add all the softsynths and fx I can find and for me that is an advantage.
fruity loops is just a basic sequencer and I can add what ever I like (vsti and dxi)
that is what I love about fl.
I don't mix my tracks in fruity, I balance it as good as possible and than convert it to wav and mix it in acid pro 4 and master it in wavelab.
But I have to agree with a lot of people that it doesn't matter what you use it is how you use it.
back in the day's I made hip hop with fast tracker.
I even made beats with soundforge by cutting and pasting so you can use anything.


ill o.g.
Every where I turn I catch someone dissin' fruity loops.
I've been producing for about 1year I started and still am using fl 3.
I admit my beats sounde gay at first now there gettin a little better I do want to checkout some new software I hear reasons is good.
But comon don't hate on FL Studio I don't see you making million+ selling software.
And don't hate on my LA lakers!!!!!!!!!!!


it's true that many producers who got some hardware diss fruityloops (and other software) but the truth is that today u can do the same thing (and even more) with fl. Okay wit MPC (or whutever) u get different sound of course and maybe it's cooler to push them buttons on that

btw i would like to know how many of these underground rappers who produce for theirself, use only software :)

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
true, but not entirely- i have yet to see a software oackage that can hang with the precision sequencing of an mpc. the most i have seen is 64 notes per bar, which limits your use of drum rolls and the like.....


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
Hey Truth, when you say "precision sequencing" what do you mean by that, be a little more specific. Because I don't believe 64 notes per pattern limits your drum capability and there are plenty of workarounds for various features in FL Studio that you may consider a limitation you just have to know what your doing. Give me a clear example of what you can do on an MPC that you CAN'T do in FL Studio as far as sequencing, sampling etc. I'm not trying to pick a fight I just want to understand what the real beef is about using FL Studio over a hardware equivalent.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
This fight will never die....Im suprised that this thread is still alive and breathing...oh wait, no im not.!haha.

Hey speaking of breaking tha hardware code and seeking new ways to bang out beats....Did any of yall know that on tha new G+E (grouch and legends ring a bell?).............Anywayz, tha grouch used reason 2.0 and protools LE for like 3 or for tracks and then went back to his old ways with tha classic asr-10.
I thought that tha shit he did on reason was very profesional and well produced and i would have never guessed that it was done on reason???
I think that just goes to show that its not what you use - BUT HOW YOU USE know! Tha way you flip yer own skills and see what you can come up with...
All i know iz that people are makin some hot shit on FL and Reason and i wouldnt try to knock tha fact that its not possible as an EQUIVALANT in tha game of producing a quality beat.

Onw last thing i will add though: COVERTERS!!!SOUNDCARDS!!!GOOD PREAMPING!!!! - - - - These are very critical indeed!



ill o.g.
Sorry but i think i claim the title for longest post! LOL! :clap:


ill o.g.
everything that dude said you couldn't do with FL you in fact can...Fruity and Reason are both kiddie programs as far as the big leaguers (pro tools, cubase) are concerned...but i still kill the beats with FL 4. you can do swing, change the timing and all that shit. its the most efficient sequencer i use. i like it better than cubase..the only drawback is the sound quality. FL is sick.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
I wouldnt say FL and Reason are "kiddie Programs" though...They are both quite capable of producing quality sequenced works and more and more producers and upcoming bigshots in tha game are recognizing this now...Its tha old technology fear that many people go through with what ever it may be. When ever something newer and more efficient comes out that is technologically more advanced - people trip out and cant accept tha true capabilites of what it can do...and then always try and argue that tha OLDER ways are better...this shits been goin down for mad long.
Seems to me though that as long as you finish your recording in a program like protools le and master tha shit in there, than you can easily have yourself a professionally pressed copy of your own music.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
FL STUDIO will only get better, so will Reason, so what's the big deal. It only depends on skills, the only reason that the Big Time producer's don't use many of the software studios is because they can afford not to. Also they've grow used to doing their music the way that is more comfortable and they get more accomplished faster that way. I read an article about Dr. Dre HE doesn't even use Pro Tools, he goes straight to DAT. It just depends on what your comfortable with.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
Yep! your right Deuce I just wanted to piggy back on your thoughts. Hopefully people will understand its not these programs and devices its in the heart and soul of how we interpret our ideas to these tools. If someone can make hot shit with FL Studio more power to them, if someone can make hot shit on a cheap casio hey more power to them. This is music there are many many ways to record and get great sounding stuff.

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
i'll be sure to close this out as soon as i am chosen as a mod...! (wink, wink, nudge nudge...)