going back to sampling....

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Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
well guys.... i was listening to Ayatollahs "Personal Legend" the other day. i was asking how my beats compare to ayatollahs (i am actually beginning to think i am not that far off to being able to hang with "the big boys"... tell me if i'm gassed here and being overly confidant...) and he was like, "they arent that far off, (of course its my boy and all, so his opinion can be a bit skewed) but i like to hear vocals in the beats". so i was like, "only vocals are good to you or or what?" and he responded that he likes to hear samples in beats. he does think i am well on my way though, so thats cool.

so i have a few cd's that arent exactly well known to a lot of people so i cut one up a lil and made a good track with it (stresswon has heard an earlier version of this) just for him to vibe to. i basically caught the bug for sampling again (i have been itching to sample again for the longest time, but now i am about to jump back in.) and i am about to start sampling with some regularity.

i stopped sampling as many of you know, because i wanted to elevate my composing skills. i'm not Kamal or Scott Storch just yet, but... i am very solid i think. thing is i have times when i just cant come up with a melody to save my life and i wind up with droughts that last a few weeks... this way i always have something to turn to during those dry spells. plus, it ups the versatility factor quite a bit. SO YOU HAD BETTER WATCH OUT!

the only problem is this: i generally prefer to sample things like jazz, soul, and funk, or cinematic pieces.. so if i start blatantly biting and not bringin it like COLD, i need you guys to check me and let me know! i dont want to do the kanye/just blaze thing here... or sound like ayatollah or alchemist or (insert producer here, wouldnt mind the comparisons though!) anyways, you know what i'm gettin at.

*NOTE- all you sample haters need to just keep your trap shut, plain and simple. i dont want to hear any bitching about "stealing someone elses music, you should play everything yourself" because i do a pretty good job doing that anyways, and i just dont want to hear it anyways.

Tim D

Bitchn' Bout IRS
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
Good lookin Cold im lookin forward to hear ur new beats with samples


ill o.g.
yo that's crazy Cold, I'm going through the exact same thing right now. Good luck with it bro!

aye yo Cold, I sent you a PM a while back, holla at me when you have a chance.

Ash Holmz

The Bed-Stuy Fly Guy
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 207
samples rule!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yo i wne through the same phase as you truth...... when i started making beats i thought sampling was whack... then all i did was sample ...now i combine the best of both worlds ..i think being sample free for awhile makes you a BETTER sampler when u come back to it..cuz now ur better at arranging and timing and other shit like that...im know your shits gonna be poppin though son..keep up mang

Equality 7-2521

theres no point NOT sampling. its just another thing to have in your arsinal. good choice truth.

im going to try the opposite. im gona try to play some shit every now and then

ill be checking your beats truth


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
"theres no point NOT sampling. its just another thing to have in your arsinal"

Word up!...Thats why i do both too...I go through tha same phases tho...Ill rock my keyboard for days and get crazy with my synths and then all of a sudden they get boring so i dig in my stack for something obscure to cut up...I love tha hunt when im fillin tha itch ya know?...Its almost like i have to have tha energy to sit through tha songs tho and cut tha shits...See, cuz when i sample i dont like to blast through my music, i listen to every track and listen objectively to every part that may be usefull...Its all about patience for me...If im feelin tha itch to sit there for 2 hours and just vibe its basically on...
Speakin of samples...I just finally sampled my first records for once instead of wax, so im hella eager to get to tha cuttin...!!!!

Yo Truth, cant wait to hear those tracks man!


Army Of Darkness
ill o.g.
Welcome back to the Sneaky Samplers!


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 221
samplin is good and i do it sometimes but wat usualy stops me is i tend 2 hav less control over chord/melody variations. so most of da times i gota start from scratch, n like truth said at times it can take really long to come up with sumthin dope so it mite seem like am at a producer block or sumtin but da time it takes for me 2 come up with a dope composition is gradually decreasin. i guess with da time in between i shud jus sample more. but ye keep up da dope work truth

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
yeah i already got one finished up for the showcase, and another in the works that i will likely post to get some feedback on as far as developing.. .the initial concept feels pretty dope on that one.. ...


Mad samplist productions
ill o.g.
I love to sample (Eka the mad samplist, hehehe) but I also like to play with synth's.
I always use them together because I like my percusion sampled.
it gives it more "rawness" I think.
also listening to tracks for sampling always gives me inspiration.
I hope you enjoy the sweet fruits of sampling yet again, hehehe.
good luck.


Monster Music
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
Hey eka man... I just got some of ur samples... Thanks A Lot MAN!!! The best pack is the kicks... and the snares... Not a big fan of old emus... The crashes and jazz slaps are dope too...