Going From Fl Studio At Home To The Big 48 Track Pro Studio


ill o.g.
I have a question about FL Studio. I just finished a beat I've been working on. I would like my boy to spit on the track but we would prefer to go to the pro 48 track studio around our way to track the vocals since my setup is primarily my pc, sblaster live! soundcard, amp and speakers. I would like my track to go through the big 48 track board for professional mixing and final recording. How do I do that?



The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
You should call the studio and see if they can help you out, but probably the easiest way (since they probably won't have FL Studio) is to export each track and save as a WAV file. Put them on a CD and then take that to the studio and they'll hook it up for you.

But the first thing is to call the studio and ask since studios have different setups.


ill o.g.
what you will probably have to do is....
1. assign a mixer track to each one of your sounds/tracks on FL
(for example track 1-kicks, 2-snares, 3-hi hats, ect.)

2.export as a .wav file and select SPLIT MIXER TRACKS (this will allow you to export each track seperatly)

then you can just burn each track to a cd and import it into their gear..that will probaly be the easiest way