Hit And Run Lovers Flip
2GooD Productions Im back ill o.g. Battle Points: 1688 bthis! war bfights! aotb! biu! bthat! Mar 14, 2023 #1
hosie ILLIEN Battle Points: 21 Mar 18, 2023 #2 Drums maybe a tad loud and sit out of the mix a bit but other than that this is another smasher. Love it.
Drums maybe a tad loud and sit out of the mix a bit but other than that this is another smasher. Love it.
TjombaBeats Mister Miyagi Beats ill o.g. Battle Points: 170 bfights! aotb! biu! Mar 24, 2023 #3 oemph those drums are fresh 2 good. Good beat. Like it.
JustIn Flow ILLIEN Mar 25, 2023 #4 Sounds good! The bass and drums come quite intense, which is good, but possibly a little too much. Overall, however, a very melodious, varied and good tune!
Sounds good! The bass and drums come quite intense, which is good, but possibly a little too much. Overall, however, a very melodious, varied and good tune!