How do I open a SFPACK File

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ill o.g.
Ok I downloaded what I thought was some soundfonts but turns out there in a file called a SFPACK File.
How do I open this file .
Any free software or utilitys out there to open them.


ill o.g.
Alright, I had once had that problem and threw a soundfont cd not realizing that they were actually compressed, the soundfont editors are usually the easiest to find and for those who dont know soundfont editors are a great way to get samples because they allow you to extract the individual samples included in a soundfont file, just to do a search for vienna soundfont editor, but the unpacker is usually rare and hard to find - it was luck that i came across it even more luck that i found out about sf2 unpackers. Unfortunately fantom - I have no idea which website I got this baby from, but its what you need, so its a freeware and the licence allows sharing as long i am not making any money, so just send me an email of where to send it, or link me at my AIM at rwhite0883 I am usually online all late night hours, the file is only 195 kb, and this always goes for anyone else needing the file
hope i helped


ill o.g.
Yo krzy k I know I thanked you in private but just wanna do it in public and update the thread.

Thank you jmalice but krzy k helped me out

My qusetion has been answered .

You all are still free to post in this thread if you want tho.