illmuzik - *Piano lessons* - week 4 (10-feb-07 to 17-feb-07)

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ill o.g.
Battle Points: 221
This is the easiest week ever, well concept wise anyway.

WEEK 4 - Arperggios


Read the reference material if you wish, but the following video is more important:


1. Practice playing through an arpegio of all the major and minor triads

If you have the major/minor triad arpeggios down, try the 7ths, aug, dim etc



ill o.g.
This class has helped me alot, i do this class for about 1 1/2 hours a day, my finger dexterity is really coming along. Also ill play sheet music after for about an 1 hour. It's getting fun, I havent been making alot of beats cause i wanna focus on the music itself. U kno


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 221
This class has helped me alot, i do this class for about 1 1/2 hours a day, my finger dexterity is really coming along. Also ill play sheet music after for about an 1 hour. It's getting fun, I havent been making alot of beats cause i wanna focus on the music itself. U kno

thats great man, keep up the good work. I am learning alot from them.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 55
my internets been down for a couple of weeks so ive missed lesson 3 & 4 ! but im still praticing a lot at the first two as there definately the big two !
once ive mastered those i'll move on and have a go at the others so ill be a few weeks behind everyone else, its definately helping tho !


ill o.g.
When teaching self piano, make sure you practice prior lessons, dont take lesson 1 and when u get to lesson 4 you already forgot lesson 1. After 1, there 1&2, then there's 1,2&3, then there's 1,2,3&4 and ect... improvise your study. Thats my opinion or wut i do at least.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 221

oops i forgot to mention, you get a week off this week :) I was away for the weeknd and could not do the lesson. But anyway excellent time to recap previous material and catch up if you must. Next lesson is here next saturday.