illmuzik - *Piano lessons* - week1 (20-jan-07 to 27-jan-07)

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ill o.g.
Battle Points: 221
If you are looking for the root key; I would say C. The first chord threw me off for some reason. I think it's a Cmaj6. I believe that the second chord was a Cmaj1 and the third was a Cmaj3.
(I think) lol. I don't know if I wrote the chords out correctly but you know what I mean. I'm probably all off but I thought I would give it a try just to learn.

thats goood man :). Its in C-natural minor, so you're right about the root key. The first chord however was C-min-7, the second Fm7 and the third Gm. Its pretty hard to work out what chords are being played so props for trying

Did you have your keyboard at hand while trying to work it out, should be easier that way.


ill o.g.
dope post i read the first part and its def helping


ill o.g.
I've been on that site b4 but since I tried by myself I gave up pretty easily, I'm glad this is happenin I will defenitly take part.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 221
I've been on that site b4 but since I tried by myself I gave up pretty easily, I'm glad this is happenin I will defenitly take part.

yeah check the thread next week for chapter 2. If you got any problems with chapter 1, or dont know what you should be praticing just ask.

Dude Im gonna be there tardy student who is all late, I started reading this weekend and got pulled away so Im gonna have to do this in special ed(ucation) classes..

hehe well just make sure you dont get left behind, its gonna be a little fast paced.


ill o.g.
Im pretty comfortable play all major and natural minor scales both hands, i was gonna go ahead of the lesson but i figured i'd switch it up by playin majors with left hand and minors with right, and vice versa, starting at the same root, also playin the scales like im playin 3rds at different root keys. Thanx for the post


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 221
this is of help.just bought a midi so i know am on it this evening.props

abarigani and welcome to ill. i see you from nairobi. Am originally from uganda, nairobi is just round the corner :)

Im pretty comfortable play all major and natural minor scales both hands, i was gonna go ahead of the lesson but i figured i'd switch it up by playin majors with left hand and minors with right, and vice versa, starting at the same root, also playin the scales like im playin 3rds at different root keys. Thanx for the post

hey man, thats dope. Could you explain what you meant by "playing 3rds at different root keys"??


ill o.g.
abarigani and welcome to ill. i see you from nairobi. Am originally from uganda, nairobi is just round the corner :)

hey man, thats dope. Could you explain what you meant by "playing 3rds at different root keys"??

Starting on a different scale tone and playing to the octave, im still learning how to play 3rd's, 4th's, and 5th's.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 55
ah kewl ill have a look at this 2moro and go thru the first weeks stuff ! im down for doing this been learning the piano for a while and been moving along slowly but this should see some more progress !


ill o.g.
Aaaaah I just saw thizz now.
I'm a lazy muthafucka, but I need to learn how to play.
And school starts for me next Monday. :(


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 221
Dont forget guys, by the end of this week you should be able to construct a major scale from any root key, and a natural minor scale. Melodic minor and harmonic minor scales are not as common so you can leave these till you have mastered the other two.

Also, at the very minimal you should be able to play through the scales of C major and G major effortlessly, and A and E natural minor. If you wish to advance, go on and learn to play the other major and minor scales. I would suggest first mastering all 12 major scales then move on to natural minors. This is something you can always pratice everyday and build upon, there is no rush in it

open mind

this is frustrating.:frown: for now i prefer playing/composing by ear. i just cant memorize the fuckin scales n shit. too much ****** back in the days if u know what i mean.

but ay props on the whole idea putting this piano lessons up and such.