i've read all posts on recording vocals- but.....

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that kid

Keep Diggin'
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 2
i use a 12 doller computer mic anyone use one and know how to make good sounding vocals with it? i get static when i turn my vocals up loud.....any way to combat this problem- that kid


polyphonically beyond me
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
if your serious about vocals then save your money and buy a better mic. if your not employed, then get a job and save for a new soundcard too. gl kid, ohhyea you might want to run a lowpass filter on your vocals after you record them


ill o.g.
yea could work, might lose some sound integrity tho....best idea i could come up with as well


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 38
man i still get static and im using a condenser mic. but yea get a condenser mic and a good mic in pre

that kid

Keep Diggin'
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 2
no dout- that kid......


ill o.g.
turn ur vocals down and turn ur beat up a bit then mess with that maybe to get rid of the static ... or put a low endd vocal gate on


ill o.g.
The static comes from dirty power. The power you get from the walls in your house is dirty. It jumps around in voltage; it isn't a clean even signal. In a recording studio the power is regulated so its clean, and you get less of that annoying hum. If you have a laptop, try recording running on the battery. You will notice the difference. Also, Adobe Audition has some noise plug-ins that it comes with. You lose some of the dynamics of the vocals when you use them, but if your careful you can get rid of a lot of that hum.