Keyboard Sound Banks? Do They Exist?

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ill o.g.
I'm wondering if it is possible in some way to get hands on soundbanks from famous keyboards.

For example is there any way that I could get a Korg Triton soundbank & load it into my sampler?

If so, can anyone tell me how do I go about obtaining these? Is there particular sample CD's etc?

Thanks from downunda!


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 123
Those kind of samples are good but for the most part you are better off buying the module....there's like a 1000 different things that the module does as far fx that the flat resampled wave file just shorts you big time on.......the flat wave sound is only 1 snapshot of what the actual rom does, I mean I had the mp7 about a year ago and I sold it but I liked some of the sounds so I bought one of those cds with the samples but if you know what the module or keyboard does its a waste of money which had a lot of the proteus and emu sounds.....but since I did have some samples to hold me over for a lil while until I got another module module did I realized what a rippoff it I went and got a new emu module since I know all of the things the module does and the sound a quality are way better than the jacked wave files.....and soundfonts...but I guess if you don't have the money this possibly works....