Making a beat just ain't the same anymore


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
I think anyone serious about producing music has gone through times when nothing seems to work right. I have been going through this for a while now BUT, I've been very happy with the last 3 or 4 beats that I've done. Hopefully I'm back on track now.

I'm a strong believer in "whatever doesn't kill you only makes you stronger". It's not just a catchy phrase, it's real judging from the things that I've gone through personally.

The key is learning from each lesson and recognizing that life is full of trials. We are gonna face adversity, we are gonna be hurt, we are gonna struggle both inside our personal lives and outside with our friends. We have to, if not, we would call earth - Heaven.

People around me think I've got it made, but I know how hard life is first hand. Material things mean nothing, my 2 Mercedes won't make me smile when someone or some situation has me down. What WILL make me smile is knowing that I've overcome whatever obstacle that tripped me up. The best feeling in the world is pushing yourself off the ground, standing to your feet, brushing the dust and dirt off of your clothes and walking away knowing that you got hit hard but you're still standing.


Boom Bap is precious art
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 220
I feel the same way basically...that's why I have been on break for a minute. The stuff that I've put out lately have been stuff that I have started a while back...I just do Lil things like work on it for about 15 min or so here and there until it's finished...which might take a month or so nowadays...but you really need a long break from music creation. You're just tired.


Formally Finnigan
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 7
i agree with skid. i do the same thing. i was working on a track the other day and was like, "damn, when did i make this? this is kinda hot." when i looked at the date, i made the track back in ''s just been sitting on my hard drive waiting to be "touched" again. sometimes you just have to back off for a little while.


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
A break.....

Sometimes I just play some video games......turn on maschine then voila!!


ill o.g.
Noc...hip hop is only dead if YOU bury it! Im sure everyone here loves the golder era, i DAMN sure do. Has and will forever be my life blood of the art. If you want it back..DO IT! Create your own movement i.e. Kev Brown. If your "paying" customers want the Wayne crap..find new customers. Have you ever tried to put your "mood" in your music? TRUST ME! I get just like you ALOT. But, what helps me, is putting my "mood in the music".

Stop and think...**why did you get into beat making in the first place**..was it cuz you wanted to offer something to the culture? was it cuz you wanted to be heard? was it for broads? WHAT WAS IT?? You have to try and get back to the place. FUCK THE MONEY! Anyone that gets into music for the money, has a long sad road ahead of them. You obviously love to!

An old man R.I.P. who i consider to be my life mentor, and a great artist (of all mediums) once told me...."never EVER, criticize and create in the same breath...its an oxymoron, they cancel each other OUT!!



ill o.g.
I dont make random beats anymore. Now i only produce when there is a song idea. Visualize then create. I totally remember the days of pounding out beats on the daily and trying to find ways to keep everything fresh and different with what i had. Try building your skills and produce a jazz track or something if hip hop is peeing on you. Another thing to taking advantage of down time is getting your business / contacts / networking etc. straight.


ill o.g.
Drugs can inject soul into many things my friend. But first take a break else your just Going to burn out too hard..


Man Utd Nut
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
Weeks have gone by and still made nothing,nearing 3 months now...have tried making beats without samples and just cant get into it,dont like it at all and now every sample i hear i just cannot work wit,maybe i should just stop altogether now as its only stressing me out
Weeks have gone by and still made nothing,nearing 3 months now...have tried making beats without samples and just cant get into it,dont like it at all and now every sample i hear i just cannot work wit,maybe i should just stop altogether now as its only stressing me out

I had a really long break, was about a year, now Im making some of the best beats I ever made. Its up to you, I was seriously considering giving it all up, Im glad I didnt.
I have to say that it really did take me a long time to get to grips with composing, I still learn stuff about it all the time.


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
I had a really long break, was about a year, now Im making some of the best beats I ever made. Its up to you, I was seriously considering giving it all up, Im glad I didnt.
I have to say that it really did take me a long time to get to grips with composing, I still learn stuff about it all the time.

Which is completely ok.

Noc, Breaks are about your mind taking a break, relaxing,and recharging. A detox of sorts. There is not time limit on this process. You need it to get done, the longer the break the more refreshed you'll be. Stop thinking about it and work on something else, get a new hobby etc.


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
Noc, Breaks are about your mind taking a break, relaxing,and recharging. A detox of sorts. There is not time limit on this process. You need it to get done, the longer the break the more refreshed you'll be. Stop thinking about it and work on something else, get a new hobby etc.

Cosign 2000%. My other hobby is PS3. I'll stop in the middle of a beat just to get away. Last night I found another jewel to flip and I didn't even get too far into it, I got my idea started, saved it as a new project and quit.

Edit: Sometimes I think we go through that because each time we make something dope, we expect our next projects to progressively be doper and sometimes it just doesn't work out like that. For some odd reason, it helps me to watch some production video's by other cats. Then, I eventually come around.


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
I just stop altogether... Go play ball/workout. I'll even turn on the xbox and zone out.

If you're worrying about it too much, then you're really not taking a break... Just relax...take a breather......


Man Utd Nut
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
Right im not even gonna try anything related to producing for a while,see what happens,thanks 4 all tha fast replies :)

slik da relic

RS Jedi
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
i remember making beats without chopping samples, just straight up sounds from my keyboards... then, after i acquired a sampler, i began makin sampled beats... i went back n forth for years, including using a lil of both... but what i DO remember the most, was when i let a few people hear some of the old stuff i did, and theyre tellin me, "yo, this sounds just like (place artist name here) song!" beats ive done 5, 10, even 20 yrs ago have come back and can be "resurrected" for 2day's music... now, since everyone follows "trends" and whats "hot", i just do what i like doin right now, which is choppin samples and mixin it with presets or analog sounds.. dont let anyone force u to change.. just keep makin the music the way u like it... take a break for awhile, then come back and check ur archives... i havent made a beat in 2 yrs, but i got a few MCs im workin with, and im back on my grind, enjoyin it again!

da relic


ill o.g.
Mate, if you still got the bloc, and you still aint feeling drums, see if you can program a 2 step garage beat…. I bet it takes you a while, but once you got that bounce and skip right, OMG, heaven is a drum machine!!!!!

You from England as well, so it should be steeped in your soul anyway! UK STYLES!