Mini controller

Dusty B

Battle Points: 38
I just bought the Akai MPK mini. Keys are a bit small for my liking, but overall it seems pretty good. I ordered from Amazon for $70, the white model was $20 cheaper than the red and black models for whatever reason.


Big Clit Energy
Peep @Primz Akai MPK Mini Plus

got this


Alright, just got it. Initial thoughts
1. Its far smaller than i thought it would be, the material isint as sturdy as i hoped it would.
2. Drumpads are nice and responsive,
3. keys feel a little stiff for me but playable.
4. Gonna make a beat with it for the beat this tomorrow to see if it improves my workflow

Thanks for the info. For what i've seen on YT it's quite impressive. Curious about improving workflow indeed.