Mixing Software

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The Arkitekt

i know this question might be a little too broad, i used the search to find any threads on it, but only found similiar threads, im asking this on fact not opinion

what would be the best software for mixing, nuendo and protools is out of the question for me because id need to buy hardware for it to function


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 4
There is no best, they all do the same thing just they all have a different workflow find one that fits you. There is no such thing as fact with this subject, its like asking whats the best beer, you can only have opinion.

The Arkitekt

i have a low budget, bastard manager cut my hours, so my budget is limited to only things that i absolutely need, and what kind of hardware you talking

DJ Redrum

Playin' For Keeps
ill o.g.
I would say it really depends on where you currently are at the moment, as to which one would be most suited for your needs. If you are completely new to mixing within a DAW, starting with something like Ableton you would probably find it alot harder on your workflow than if you was to start with say ACID Pro.

The main two which most people seem to go with when starting out are usually between ACID Pro and Audition as of the learning curve not being as large to some of the others.

As for which is the best for mixing it is all down to individual preference, but each DAW does have it's own share of sound quality issues from the next.


7th Angel of Armageddon
ill o.g.
you don't need nuendo, cubase is the same thing without some surround/film stuff.

some good choices are cubase, logic (mac), pt (mpowered/le), sonar and probably the best in built/1st party fx from jump, samplitude. they all (except pt) have lighter less expensive versions that are still less limited than pt mpowered/le and all are pretty straightforward with a lot of options. daws like abelton, though good, aren't the very intuitive or straightforward for mixing but it's also a choice

The Arkitekt

i was sure everything couldnt be the same, about nuendo, you need a usb "key" or some shit to activate it therefore not for me, i dont buy software. ill probably give sonar a try though. thanks for the responses


ill o.g.
grab an m-audio firewire solo interface off ebay for bout $100, then get you a copy of pro tools m-powered.
i've got the pro tools 7.4 setups if you decide to go with that route.
lemme know what you think


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
You can have the lowest priced DAW or the Highest priced DAW. At the end of the day if you don't understand the concept of mixing you still won't "get 'er done"!

If you honestly understood the process of mixing I really don't think you would pose this question! I'm just saying, but good luck finding what you need!

The Arkitekt

well about mixing, i wouldnt call myself a noobie with it, better word is beginner, yea i think there is a difference. i was just asking the question because im not familiar with a lot of DAWs, so i thought maybe some are better than others regardless of hardware and seeing the price differences, know what i mean? like why is protools considered industry standard, if every DAW had the same function with mixing and sound rendering, why would someone make a track on reason, then track it out to mix on protools, why not just use reason if you can get the desired effect with every DAW


ill o.g.
Reason is somewhat different than the others mentioned. It is a dope little program; however the plugins included as far as mixing (eqs, compressors etc) are generally fairly poor. Also, it doesnt have the flexibilty of handling VST/DX/RTA plugins and doesn't have any facility for dealing with raw audio.

Get cubase and a bunch of vsts to run in it - you can then rewire reason into it (track by track if you want) and track the mix out from there.

Cubase has probably got the easiest learning curve outta most of the major DAWs out there and is definitely way cheaper than getting a protools rig together.

hope that's some help.