What's up people? I've had my MPC 2000XL for almost a year now....I've gotten the hang of using it and feel pretty comfortable with it for what I use it for.....I'm not in it for the money...just like to do it for a hobby....but I do feel I'm pretty good at it. Anyway, I was just wondering if you guys have found that you use the same type of volume/velocity for each one of your sounds...Example....do you use the same attack volume for your snairs, kicks, hats etc. every time......what do you guys go for as far as all of that....when you add your bass samples or what ever do you try to keep the same volume with that as well....I just don't want to get into a "comfortable habit" simply because it has worked for me on someof my other beats.....get back at me and let me know what variations you like to keep between your drum sounds/bass/samples etc...........