Mpc1000 & Mpc2500


yeluhz strongs

i'm thinking about buying a mpc1000 and i was wondering if tha autoslice on tha mpc1k tha samething as tha autochop feature on tha 2500??


Pussy Monster
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 13
Solace said:
So Kurt The New OS For The 1000 Works Good With No Funnyness Since Its Not An Official Upgraded OS. Also How Does The Step Recording Work And All That..

Does Everything Run Smooth...

I'm running OS 2.1 on the mpc1k right now but... as for the OS 3 ... i read that the direct recording feature tend to lock up and freezes the machine. There should be a lot more info on it at the mpc forum website.


ill o.g.
when i had my mpc 1000 and dowloaded os 2.1 my shit was acting retarted

OS 2.1 is retarted, I hate that shit with a passion. So many bugs that it ruins the workflow. I mean I guess you can get used to doing things extra to get it going, but it is a hassle. Now I dont use all the features on the unofficial OS 3.0, but using it is a pleasure. All the bugs are not worked out, but the programmer is very dedicated to addressing all the bugs that are brought to his attention.