MPC2000 and ASR-X Pro files on disk


superpimp trillionaire
Battle Points: 11
but no machines.
I know I can read them if I throw that 3.5 back on my PC
but the system files will look like this
jhbiewgp[F7893GFP2g[rwhaehehaeheahg etc etc
and windows won't know how to open that file.

has anybody found the solution for this yet?
no I am not renting the machines
no I am not buying a Maschine
and if I had friends that would loan me the boxes, don't you think I would have done that already?
but seriously, this problem has been bothering me for so long I forgot about it until just now, one of my old old beats popped into my head out of nowhere.
I'd sure love to have another go at that mix...
so... anything?