Multi midi channel for VSTi


ill o.g.
Lets say you loaded Sampletank in FL. How do you use it for mulitiple midi channel? I know it goes up to 16. I find myself loading sampletank multiple time to do my different tracks. Like if I want three instruments for sample tank, then I need three instint of sampletank open.


ill o.g.
You need to load a Midi-out for each midi channel in Sampletank.
Go to the Channel menu and load a Midi-out for each one.
Set each midi-out with what channel you what to contol in sampletank.
You also have to set Port in and out in FL.
You willsee that at the top right of the Fruity wrapper.

From the manual
MIDI Out allows you to control MIDI hardware and or VST plugins, it supports eight pages each with nine freely assignable controllers. The MIDI out plugin acts as a MIDI controller sending standard MIDI messages to plugins/instruments on the same MIDI Port number as shown in the top right corner of the MIDI Out plugin and the target plugin (if inside FL) or in the settings of the external hardware.
Simply – matching the MIDI Out port with the target connects this plugin to other plugins/hardware. The ‘Channel’ setting allows independent (multitimbral) data to be transferred. For example, an external multitimbral instrument may be set to connect on port 2, play drum sounds on channel 10 (driven from the Piano roll) and strings on channel 2 (driven from another Piano roll). Controllers on the target plugin/hardware, such as mod wheels etc, have MIDI CC (control change) numbers assigned to them that act as ‘addresses’ for knobs/controls on the target plugin/hardware. You will need to consult the third party documentation to learn these CC numbers.


Making head bangers!!!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 26
ok, that being said... when you do that, is there a way to assign each different sound from a single VSTi into individual mixer tracks... to put different effect on each one or to be able to track them out afterwards...

I use Hypersonic, so I got the same problem...


Making head bangers!!!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 26
Well, no one answered my question, so I thought I'd find the answer myself and put the answer on the site... so here goes...

(From the FL Studio Help)

FL Studio supports VSTi plugins with multiple outputs. In the plug-in window, click the down-arrow menu (upper left corner under the red plug-in icon). If the plugin supports multiple output, you will see "enable multiple outputs", select it. Now the first output will be set to whatever FX channel is initially assigned to that plug-in, and each successive FX track will contain the additional outs. For example, a plugin with 4 outputs assigned to FX track 10, takes tracks 10, 11, 12 and 13.

Now I can use those sound banks like I want to!