New here-TheBlackSox-Producers


ill o.g.
2 guys living in Oklahoma City, both Juniors in High School starting early. We are just starting but we make great music.

Me-Sam aka: well i havent thought of a new name yet but whatever.
-born and raised in oklahoma.
-I am 17, 18 in june.
-Looking around now for a good producing/recording college to attend next year. (how is VIDEO SYMPHONY?)
-Half white half black

Other: Alex aka Sout Phly
-Born in South Philly
-17 also
-31 on ACT so probably going to a good University not focused on production

Group info:
-Known each other since Phly got here in OK back in 5th grade
-We use a Motif6 and acid pro with a nice mic hooked up (not sure what kind)

We create music together blending the Southern and Northern influences together to create a unique sound.

I love this site. Just looking for about an hour at the posts, most of my big questions have been answered.

I expect to be on this site for a very long time as it seems to be an extremely useful resource to the producing business. Thank you all-



ill o.g.
ok finally added a few beats (only 7 you have to listen to). still need to add like 3 other good ones but here you go:

Started producing in January so we are still very new, we dont really mix anything and a few of the tracks on there were made on the Motif only so they just loop for awhile and the levels need some work.

Please post in the message board or reply here with comments suggestions!
