Requesting FL Tutorials...


ill o.g.
Just started messing with FL...Been using Adobe Audition to chop up samples (haven't got a clue how you do it in FL)

My problemis basically creating drumbeats in those isolated patterns...



The Bull: Cormega
Photographer: Nas


Making head bangers!!!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 26
only problem with those tutorials is that they tell you how fruity loops work and not how to make a beat...


sup if anyone can help me wit making basslines it'd be dope!
i just started tryin to make em and they're mud, any tips would be sick


Making head bangers!!!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 26
what do you mean when you say they sound like mud? Too low? the notes go one on the other? or they plain wack...?


ill o.g.
Hanz' said:
i know a good one that shows you how to make a beat at

Looks dope...thanks man...

But what are your personal tips for someone startin out...The type of I drumbeats I really feel are Just Blaze's erratic almost offbeat types and The Neptunes' spaced out bass-heavy drums.

Advice for the god?


i mean they jus plain wack, the vst im using to make em is all good so its not the sound, its just making a bassline eg; where you'd normally put it etc


Making head bangers!!!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 26
Fcukisthis? said:
Looks dope...thanks man...

But what are your personal tips for someone startin out...The type of I drumbeats I really feel are Just Blaze's erratic almost offbeat types and The Neptunes' spaced out bass-heavy drums.

Advice for the god?

Start off with the thread I posted up there... those are mostly BASIC drum beats. Actually, lets go in drum beats a bit more and explain what makes a Basic-generic hiphop beat.

Those are only guidelines AND it's my opinion, anyone can refute or be againt what I,m saying here, but it will probably help ya'll anyways. And I'm taling about fruityloops step sequencer... but I this could be used in any program...

When I talk about steps, its the buttons on the step sequencer. and i usually use 16 steps to make my drumbeats... at a BPM of around 85... but you could always change the speed to your liking... (BPM = Beats per minute... it's the speed of the beat)

You should, at 1st, concentrate on 3 "instruments".



see picture below if you dont know what an hihat is (1st picture)

The hihat is what gives the tempo of the beat. Some MC's use that sound to know how fast they gotta spit on the beat (but not all of them do) It's the 2nd most important sound in the drumline (to me). Lowering the volume of the hihat will put emphasis on the 2 other sounds, raise it and you'll get a drum driven beat...

The way you put your hihat on is normally pretty simple... since it's used to give the tempo, you should just put it on every step

h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h

or on every two steps, starting with 1

h - h - h - h - h - h - h - h -

of course, you could always use the 2nd one and add some hihat hits between the one already there...

h h h - h - h h h - h - h h h -

there are a lot of possibilities there...

Another thing is that there are two kinds of hihat sounds Closed hihat and Opened hihat
The reason for those two sound is because, on a real drum, the hihat is really two cymbals that are closed togheter by the action of the foot... look at the illustration below to see what I mean. So most of the hits should be closed hihats. The opened hihats should be used on a different channel than the closed hihat (of course) and for accents only... like so

h - h - - - h - h - h - - - h -
- - - - o - - - - - - - o - - -

h h - - h - h h h - - - h h h -
- - o - - - - - - - o - - - - -


see picture below if you dont know what a snare is (3rd picture)

The snare is not REALLY important. Actually, what's important is the sound of the snare itself. If people clap their hands to your beat, they clap to the snare actually (but I heard that, in some countries, they clap to the kick...) It's also where most mc's rhyming words will be at...

So, as I said, it's the sound of the snare that's important. You can use different sounds, and they will give different vibes. Claps (handclap - HC...) are used in westcoast beats, club beats and some southern beats. You could also use rimshots, snaps (fingersnap), or a real snare drum sound...

I would say that most hiphop beats use a really simple snare line

- - - - s - - - - - - - s - - -

Again, you could add stuff in there, but not too much to start with. Snares line are normally REALLY simple.

Kick (aka DrumKick - aka Bass Drum)...

see picture below if you dont know what a kick is... (2nd picure)

normally, it's what give the BOOM of the beat. It's the most important sound of the drumbeat. Most Club beats would put emphasis on an heavy, bassy and loud kick. Hardcore beats would use a more dirty, gritty, but still bassy kick. RnB and slow Jams would use real kick sounds, with a softer feel to them...

On most drumbeats, the most important thing to think about is that you should always start your drumbeat with a kick. The rest is up to you. Of course, the way your gonna put your other kicks will determine the feel of the beat. But always remember to put that 1st kick on the 1st step


b - - - - - - - b - - - - - - -

Real simple. Dr Dre uses that kick all the time. Its what's called the Boom Bap (the bap being the snare, of course)

b - - - - - b - b - - - - - - -
b - - - - - b - - - - - - - - -

Again, really simple... still really used.

b - - - - - - b b - - - - - - -

Pretty close to the other one there, but the little difference here gives a whole other feel to the beat.

So really, what you should do is to put that 1st kick on the 1st step and experiment with the rest...

b - - - - - b - b - - b - - - b

That's it !

What would be missing is that you can add in there other percussions, play with effects and enveloppe, but start with composing good drumbeats before thinking about tweeking sounds...

1 thing at a time, that's the way to success.

Hope that helps


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Making head bangers!!!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 26
^^^^mmmmh... I hope that helped some people...


I am proud to be southern
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 90
sYgMa said:
^^^^mmmmh... I hope that helped some people...

thats good advice sgyma, but u gotta understand, those are newbs, they basically want u to hold their hand and shit, i wouldent even waste my time.

For the newbs, nobody can teach you how to make a beat in FL or bassline . Thats stuff u gotta learn on your own, consult the manual learn the basic's and figure it out....

its call pratice and talent, thats how you get better.



Making head bangers!!!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 26
^^^^ I know a lot of making good beats comes from practice, and skillz, but there is a part of making beats that you wont really find in books... or you gotta dig REAL deep...

(and I guess I like teaching newbs... it's what I do for a living)


ill o.g.
sYgMa said:
^^^^ I know a lot of making good beats comes from practice, and skillz, but there is a part of making beats that you wont really find in books... or you gotta dig REAL deep...

True, true...I'm on a shitty 56k connection right now, so can't upload any of the drumbeats I've done so far...but that's some decent advice you gave me there...I think it all fell into place when I found the original sample for "Come Home With Me" (Cam'ron - produced by Just Blaze), Donny Hathaway's "She's My Lady." And I redid the joint from scratch...Also I didn't know that changing the hi-hat could actually change how the beat 'goes...' As for the bassline, at the moment I'm getting it from samples...


ill o.g. won twice?

Any deals yet?

I would check out your shit but I'm on that 56k bullshit right now...I can make a sandwich and some juice and come back and there'd page still be half a page loadin' on the monitor...


Making head bangers!!!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 26
Fcukisthis? said:
Also I didn't know that changing the hi-hat could actually change how the beat 'goes...'

Well, I live up north (Canada), but I'm a South Hiphop fan... (Outkast is THE best hiphop group in my book)

In the south, playing with the hihat is normal. It's done in a lot of tracks. You can also find that hihat versatility in other music genre (reggae, REAL RnB, lounge music...)

Only Eastside beat dont put a lot of emphasis on the hihat (or not as much as the other styles) and then again, it depends on the beatmaker and his influence. That because the use of the BoomBap beats or real simple drumbeats are really prodominent in NY...

And even then... right now the gaps between styles is getting smaller and smaller, so that difference will disapear soon enough...


ill o.g.
thanks for the dope info everyone.

i was just wondering if sygma or anyone else had anything tips of making the bassline fit with the drums and other sounds besides leadin in with the same note? any help would be great thanks yall


Making head bangers!!!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 26
Well, Basslines are harder to break down than drums... But the general idea is that the typical bassline follows the bassdrum (kick).

That doesnt mean that there should be a bass not everywhere there's a kick, but the dominant notes of your bassline are normally played in sync with a kick.

That's of course a general rule (that means it's meant to be broken) but that the general idea anyways... get me?

Big Tone

You done fucked up
ill o.g.
want me to come to your house to show you