sampling help

Iron Keys

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 695
right im sure some1 may have posted sumthing about this before, but im new here. and if some one has then my bad fam
but, altho i dont generally make the sampled style tracks, like primo and alchemist, i wanna kno how. basically i dont make them coz i dont have a clue.

would anyone be able to explain to me about how to go about sampling shit good, as i have no clue. if theres a thread on this already my bad, and could some one swing me the link to it *thumbs up*

im using cubase sx3. i know most ppl who sample this way like primo and alchemist use a mpc but im totally restricted to software atm until i can find a way to get funds up!

much love, peace!


ill o.g.
I know the way I sample is I fine a nice loop usually 2 to 4 bars and I chop it up. Something I use the MPC 2000xl zone, where it will chop the sample up in equal part, or I chop it myself. The next step I do is find some drum sound and program the in to a sequence. After I have a pattern I like I play the sample with the drum trying to create a melody. Once I find one that I like I add the extra piece I feel it needs to add favor. I don’t know if that will help with the software you use but that is how I make a sample base beat.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 141
we was all noobs in here at once i even got an award for asking the most stupid question cuz they were all ready here!!
but its all good at illmuzik they treat u like family but dont you get it twisted the vets in here will bust ya balls for posting this!!
but first thing is first look around in the site u will be surprise that most of ya question are already answered!
as for u
u are using cube base which i use to us as well but im not into vst instruments,i know use reason 4 u can get reason3 of even though im not a fan u can get fl studio
as for cubase
get ya self the battery plug-in it will help out a lot on assigning samples into there own patch but if u cant get or afford it and this why i stay away from plug-ins
just simply record a sample in your cubase 2 bars 4 bars 8 bars or what ever
then after u record it maximize the sequence box so u can see the the levels that were recorded onto the page
u can create region's but just to keep it simple
basically highlight the part u want copy it then cut it place it on another track
make sure the track is mute so u can keep chopping up the track 1 ware ya sample is at as fro the second chop do the same highlight it copy it cut and place it on the muted track with the other chop and do that for the rest
after u done your chops u can either mute the track 1 ware u recorded your sample in our delete it
i would mut it just in case u might need it to rechop something over or get a new chop
know go to track 2 ware u place all ya chops or what ever tack u put them in
go in and arrange them make your on melody its could to have a midi key controller key board or else us the piano roll in cube base
arrrange ya chopz to the melody u want u can even put them on different track to eq each chop or add effects then go get ya drumz do the same way to chop it
i know it gets tedious but thats what i did when all i used was cubase then i was i troduce to the first reason and it was ove upgrade to reason 3.0 then to 4
but im gonna let u know some thing cubase also as vst instruments in it ware u can load ya samples up to in it!
but once again i use pro-tools and that even has to have plug-ins to get it sounding ill and new endo's as well even logic, even fl studio all these programs i've used and u can make beats in all of them but u need some serious plug-ins to get the sound u want except for fl studio it come pack wit sounds and a few plug-ins to get u started but also the best thing about fl studio u can chop rite in there and record directly into fl studio well the 7 does it has a cool feature called the emerson war u can chop rite in there but this is why i stay awy from vst programs cuz i dont like to go and spend 4 or 500 $ for a program then go spend about almost the same to get plug-ins even though they are palces to get them free i just dont believe on that u buy a program then have to spend more money to make it sound better or get the sound u want
look into getting fl studio, or reason 3.0 or 4, soundfourge, cool edit, recycle
but if u are comfortable with cubase in vest on or look for some vst instruments!
more less stick to what u are comfortable if u are that vst type of person then invest on them they are well worth but if u like to sample chop and compose
well my friend then u have to realize one thing get the tools that compliment your style of production and get comfortable and know the programs or hard ware like u know how to wipe your ass!!cuz u know damm well if u don't wipe your ass u swill stink like shit same methods go's into your equipment and programs u don't know them then u gonna produce like shit no matter what u use!!!lmao
get to know everything about what u are using and what does what
spend time with your equipment or programs,gather information serf the web read articles knowledge is the tool to success and building better skills to craft your art and ya tools
the out come will be more rewarding!! trust me!!

Iron Keys

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 695
ayo thanks for that. i really at the moment need to look into getting a good hardware/software that has really good quality piano sounds, and also in need of strings. coz my production style , altho wanting to get into this mpc style shit, my style is more dr dre and scott storch style with all the pianos and strings and shit.
i got battery cracked but it takes ages to load up with cubase for some reason.

when i get my new shit up on the net, hopeli peeps off this may be able to give their opinions on what software/hardware would compinment my style ha.

thanks again


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 141
yeah no problem but u will be surprise on how to a quire the mpc sound trust me i used the mpc2000xl when it first cam out and for many years i said i wouldn't use computers to produce
few years late hahaha i have touched my mpc but my mpc sound is still with me!!
i ad vise u you to get fl or even reason they all have good piano sound
but in reason u can create your own piano sounds and own string sounds thats why i use reason can u can really get creative in it when u are composing!!!
and one more thing make sure u have enough ram in your computer to run these programs may be that s why its running slow cuz u don't have enough ram get ya self at least 1 gig or 2 gig's and external hard drive to save all your vst instrument or samples. projects. and ect
u want to free up your hard drive space on ya computer so it has enough space to run the programs fluently