serious discussion

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polyphonically beyond me
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5

On cbs right now is a story about an omish community in america that is founded from a hundred people in the 18th century. they are catching genetic disorders left and right. One disease has only 100 cases worldwide and 30 in their comminity and another disease has only been found in their community: 12 cases. They refuse genetic testing before marriage so they can reduce the relative-geneticdisorder-factor. They refuse it because they say it is in Gods hands. Now, we have all been in bad relationships that we have been sprung on at one point, and some of have married and divoreced because of it. That doesn't sound like god, but our own decisions. I think that one thread (here) about aliens (if it has truth), might be true because religion has served it's purpose but now is globaly causing damage.

what do you think about America following the founded Christianity?


needs more fartnoise
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
incest, aliens, religion, genetic testing, etc.... Come on guys, it isn't hard to understand.

If you're Stephen Hawking.


ill o.g.
lol it went from Amish Peeps to what do you think about Americans and Christianity weres teh releviance ?

benny beatz

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 36
ok what hes basically saying is that people who believe in God are stupid and that religion is bad

i missed the alien thread...

i can see where the amish are coming from...

they are just doin they duty to their families/heritage/communities and bangin out for God...

they're like fuck it, its in God's hands im just gonna do what God wants me to not worry bout it...

sure, Chrono, its easy to say there is no such thing as God... its easy to say that the Mets are gonna win the world series this year... ya never know...

it is undeniable though that people's b e l i e f in God is a very real entity that contributes to the behavior of human beings...

you may think that people who believe in God are weak, like sheep, but a man who believes that God is on his side is a very powerful man... a man willing to risk everything to do what he thinks is right ... a man with no fear... his only fear is of God... like 2pac said... "only god can judge me"
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