Showcase - February 10-12, 2013

  • warzone (jan 14-18) signup begins in...
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ill o.g.
Battle Points: 69
@2good - I pretty much stopped posting here because whenever I did there would be like 3 views & no replies, so to have anyone post anything is good at this point. I think the 3 day opening in the showcase is actually hurting the site, if there was a forum to post your new work whenever you wanted to on here it might pick up the traffic flow a bit. I would also like to see more tips & tutorials & beatmaking vids/docs/interviews as opposed to the new gear, not everyone can afford to upgrade their setup anytime a new device comes along, sometimes I don't visit the site because I don't expect to see much besides a new mixer or plug in etc. review/showcase, & 9 times out of 10 that's what it is. Just my 2cents on the matter.


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
We've had it at 3 days for a very long time and it turned out to be the most successful. I even tried to leave it open 24/7 for anyone to post but it actually backfired and was just spammy. So now we're back to doing 3 days, so it just boils down to the members leaving feedback.
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