Showcase - July 25-27, 2013

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HzBeast BLG

Battle Points: 1
@HzBeats BLG: dark and trippy, sounds good, but i think it needs a lil bit of reverb.

You mean on master?
I've never put reverb on master, I will try it and see how its goin. Thanks for advice homie, I respect that.

EDIT: You was right, It has more space and that 2nd kick is not so dry. Another tip for makin beatz.


Roving Beat Maker
ill o.g.
I've been MIA for a while.... again

@Andrei Claudiu Smooth feel, good chops, definitely could ride out with the windows down bumpin this joint, head bop music, good work.

@Blakk I feel like the ride may be a little too high volume wise, probably just me though, also the ending is a little long – I’m assuming the intention of that is to eventually fade out. Other than that I think the track is good. I can picture a few artists on this, it has a real southern laid back style.

@HzBeast BLG I like the muffled bass, and the background synth that constantly pans, I should make more tracks that incorporate that bass. The changeup is a nice addition, nice work
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