Showcase - October 5-11, 2020

  • warzone (jan 14-18) signup begins in...


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The Real SlimSpaceship
Battle Points: 15
i rly like that @The Thrillz has a real smooth feeling to it rly like ur tag too. not much to criticise here its a top notch production. i like what you did with those vocals sounds very dreamy gj man

here's one i did not quite sure if i like it or not but want to post it and move on haha any feedback is appriciated



Battle Points: 135
@The Thrillz Bro Super sick beat man. Your EQ on this beat is perfect and the 808 is really smooth. I feel like its perfectly mix for a vocalist to hop on it. The mid range is in the perfect spot for that. Alot of beat makers don't consider that when making competition beats.
@Crispifier I love the chord progression. I don't love the ride cymbal fills but over all this could be a sick beat. The fills are dope in my opinion.

This a song I just put together for my brother. I'm going to Indiana tomorrow for wedding so I get to see my family. lol he's gunna love this haha

<iframe width="100%" height="300" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" allow="autoplay" src=""></iframe><div style="font-size: 10px; color: #cccccc;line-break: anywhere;word-break:
Battle Points: 2
They're a little bit 90s inspired hip hop mix, some of my best which isnt saying much. want someone to drop me some vocals to complete these tracks!
Also maybe some production tips or notes

Battle Points: 2

That's it for anything that I have done so far that I think will garner any attention. Lmk what these tracks are missing or what you'd change, I know there's at least good bones here


Jihun Park
i rly like that @The Thrillz has a real smooth feeling to it rly like ur tag too. not much to criticise here its a top notch production. i like what you did with those vocals sounds very dreamy gj man

here's one i did not quite sure if i like it or not but want to post it and move on haha any feedback is appriciated

The sounds are really impressive! you made something great!


Big Clit Energy


The Real SlimSpaceship
Battle Points: 15
@jihun9554 and i thought i was on the far far reasches of what could sorta be called hip hop hahaha. you have nicley composed music my man however some of the sounds you use are a little generic (not sure if that translates to korean haha) but you could maybe do a little more to make it sound less stock? throw on some effects and mess around. ok so i mainly listened to number 04 the guitar is real nice i think the drums need to sit further forward in the mix as i said earlier the composition is real nice and those strings are cool just work on mixing i think never hurts to pan stuff and have some sounds take up more stereo space and try to make the drums more clear anyway thank you for your feedback gj ! :D

@GoldenBoy this beat knocks ! i really like the 808 slides here. is that your brother rapping ? dude has some real intensity reminds me a little of eminem especially in the hook. nicley composed was impressed by the melodic fills not a lot of beatmakers would add those, mix is nice wouldnt change a damn thing so yeah dude excellent fucking work

@nottr scam email i like how this sorta has a carabian exotic vibe stands out definitly. is that guitar live? (know its chopped and stuff but did you play it ? ) i really like it, its kinda busy but it works like how you switch between the buisier sections to quiter ones a lot of musicality here again wouldnt rly change much
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